Flu and Spring

 There was a real spring - all the longer days, brighter blue of the sky. But the body is weakened by the winter months, and tries to pick up any illness ...  

The fact that we have a cold spring, it is not surprising. Changes in temperature and humidity play in this important role - soaked feet - and please tickle in the throat, painful swallowing. From grandmothers we know what we need to hover legs in mustard - 1 tbsp. spoon into 8 liters. But often hope to maybe Russian.

However, colds and flu - are two different things. We somehow got used to, that the flu is coming fall and winter. Our chief sanitary doctor Gennady Onishchenko personal example campaigning for inoculation. Although the vaccine does not guarantee absolute protection against influenza for the simple reason that the virus is constantly changing. The vaccine provides good protection by 80-90%. In addition, even if a person falls ill, influenza is mild form of vaccination.

Many fear they may get sick from most vaccines. But this fear is ungrounded, but fear.Current drugs do not contain the virus itself, and portions that can not provoke disease. But the virus particles affect the immune system, causing it to produce antibodies that provide resistance flu virus if it enters the body. And, as a rule, prevent illness, not allowing it to begin. Modern vaccines are transported easily.

We are afraid to get sick on New Year's holidays and be careful. But flu epidemic last two years slipped from the usual autumn-winter period in the spring. And right now on television and in newspapers we learn that many cities have already exceeded the epidemic threshold. Particularly affected are children and the elderly.

At the first suspected flu, call your doctor. But how to distinguish it from SARS?

Flu - An infectious disease caused by a virus and undermines the human immune system. He has the ability to rapidly change and adapt to different conditions, so still have not been able to find one hundred percent cure for this disease.

The main symptoms of the flu are the sudden rise in temperature to 30-40 degrees, which lasts two or three days, periodic shivering when all the blankets in the house a little, to keep warm, headache, aching joints and muscles.

The virus entered the body, rapidly grows and produces a poison that damages the cells of the respiratory tract, heart and kidneys. From this weakness, irritability, insomnia, sometimes photophobia. Cough, sore throat, do not appear immediately.

Virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, by shaking hands and touching the same subjects healthy and sick man. Forward-Japanese during the flu epidemic all the polls are bandages, but Russian people to bow to such precaution is almost impossible.

Therefore it is necessary at least to drive less in public transport and not to seek to visit places with large concentrations of people. At least for the time it will be useful to give up going to the movies, restaurant, museum ... And if you are sick, you should not go to work and infect their colleagues and passers-by.

Unfortunately, infectious to others are not only with the fluBut healthy people of virus. The latter, without knowing it, staying healthy, infect others.

There is evidence that the virus is killed in an alkaline medium, so inhalation of tea soda to help cope with the disease. Take an ordinary ceramic or porcelain teapot, throw him a teaspoon of baking soda, fill halfway with hot water. And covering his head with a blanket, breathe on the kettle without stooping too low.

Then drink a cup of tea with honey and lemon and try to sleep.
During the day, helpful alkaline mineral water to drink non-carbonated room temperature.

Flu is not treated with antibiotics - they are not afraid of the virus. Therefore, do not swallow haphazardly medication without a doctor's recommendation.

A temperature not exceeding 38-38, 5 degrees, especially if the patient is not susceptible to the development of seizures, knock is not necessary. Increase in body temperature indicates that the body fights the virus.

You can wipe the body with acidified water with vinegar or lemon. To the foot of our grandmothers tied grated grated beets.

Is a good helper raspberry jam or dry raspberries, brewed in a thermos.

You can make this drink:

2 tbsp. tablespoons dried raspberries and 2 tablespoons. tablespoons dried berries currant brew two cups of boiling water. Insist half an hour, and drink in small sips throughout the day. In the finished drink, you can add 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass and drink immediately, without adding honey once full cooked liquid.

If the temperature is close to 39 degrees, there are severe fatigue, nausea, muscle aches and pains in the joints, then doctors recommend drinking antipyretic.

Increase the tone of the body vitamin drinks, onion, garlic, sauerkraut. But they should take to prevent and after recovery. During the same illness the body does not need to reload.

The first two or three days should drink plenty of cranberry juice made on this recipe: 2 tablespoons cranberry pound with 1 tablespoon of honey and pour 2 cups of warm water. In any case not hot, because boiling water kills vitamins and minerals.

As soon as the condition will improve, to be administered in the diet of protein foods - chicken, boiled fish, lactic acid products to help the body recover corrupted virus-infected cells.

You can eat buckwheat, oatmeal with milk, stewed vegetables. But bakery products, fatty meats and sugary foods should be excluded from the diet of both patients and convalescent man.

And most importantly - do not panic. Be assured that you will soon recover. Outside the window, the sun, the birds are singing - spring in one word. Even just one realization of this will help you to quickly recover and get back on their feet.

Natalia Antonova

Tags: flu, spring