Breast Implants

 A very important part of the female body is beautiful breasts. And the tall and beautiful breasts are not left without attention, both women and men. Even if nature has not endowed you with curvaceous, breasts changed after feeding or put on the chest, the imprint is no reason to despair, because there is a great opportunity to fix and restore beauty.

In the category Health: Prostate - signs

The most likely way to get the desired shape isBreast Implants - Surgical method of breast correction.

Implants can satisfy almost any woman's desire - correction of volume, shape, individual parts (nipple and areola) and the contour of the breast. But do not blindly trust advertising, where it quickly, safely and inexpensively promise desired shapes.

Always remember that this surgical procedure, and it is not so simple tolerated by the body, so before doing the surgery should consider the pros and cons, and if you're determined to do mammoplasty, then this should be taken seriously. Need to be carefully selected clinic and surgeon in order to result in a desired shape.

Plays an important role quality implants, because they are set for life. Therefore, the person must choose the implant individually. Today, there are anatomically shaped implants, made in the form of "drops, which flows from the wall" of their maximum density is similar to breast tissue, making the breasts natural and soft.

Breast Augmentation - The most popular operation in cosmetic surgery. Performed for breast enlargement or eliminate the asymmetry. Breast enlargement is under the breast tissue placed silicone implants.

Place incisions for implants negotiated an expert in advance of their location depends on the shape of the breast and the desired result. Incisions can be carried in the armpit, on the edge of the areola, under the breast along the natural folds and even inside the belly button. Postoperative scar is almost invisible, and in the case of the cut under the breast, he covered breasts.

Firming the breast surgery is performed in cases where the breast loses its shape and droops, and the size of a woman happy. During surgery, excess skin is removed and the nipple is above the desired position. Often patients with breast lift at the same time do increase.

The final result can be assessed in three months after surgery, but the scar tissue matures completely up to two years, so tracks can be quite noticeable.

Breast Reduction produced by removing a portion of its own fat and moving up the nipple. After surgery leaves a scar around the nipple, while some technology implementation and the scar in the form of an inverted T, extending from the nipple to the crease under the breast and sides along the folds. There are techniques which, besides teat scar leave only the vertical or L-shaped scar, beginning beneath the areola and extending down to the fold under the breast. That is, they are used most frequently. Scars from each patient are different - they can even merge with the surrounding skin or remain slightly visible for a lifetime.

Apart from the basic major interventions on breast plastic surgeons also perform a correction of inverted nipple and areola reduction. Perform these two procedures under local anesthesia and are considered relatively small operations.

Inverted nipples correction is performed using the cut near the nipple, connective tissue pulling the nipple outwardly and then locks the tissue. Scars after surgery to heal completely.

Operation to reduce the areola is done in two ways - cutting the skin around the circumference of the areola or cutout wedge area.

Tags: operation, reducing