New beauty salon

 Very soon the New Year! On the main holiday of the year you have to look great! But in order to be truly beautiful, fashionable clothes and bright make-up is not enough. It's time to take care of your skin. Body will have to take care of no less carefully than in person. And then soft and smooth, always pleasant to the touch will be your main decoration!  

Let's skin to relax and breathe. More walk and exercise in nature. Do not confusemakeup mask. Makeup hides the flaws, but does not eliminate them. As soon come home, remove makeup. Cleanses and moisturizes the skin for a few hours before bedtime. This is especially true around the eyes. If just before bedtime to impose on eyelids night cream in the morning can be found under the eyes swelling.

Prepare the skin to the procedures for caring and eliminate the dead cellsscrub. They should be used once or twice a week. Thanks to scrub the skin becomes silky. This cosmetic product should be applied to dry skin, as it will wash off in the shower before done his job. In order not to injure the skin, can be mixed scrub with a moisturizing cream.

Apply the scrub on the body from the feet up to the neck and rub with a brush. Pick tool to suit your skin type. For normal skin type suitable scrub based on sea salt, for sensing - based on sugar, as it is more gentle and has additional antiseptic properties.

Scrub can cook yourself. Here are some options. Mix:

1. oatmeal and peanut butter.

2. 6 tablespoons salt 4 tablespoons of olive oil and 6 strawberries, which contains salicylic acid, has a cleansing and antiseptic properties.

3. Sugar, olive oil and lavender (a few drops).

3. Sea salt and olive oil.

Brush body - A tool to be extremely useful, because the blood, flushing the skin, accelerates metabolism, restores its elasticity and smoothness. Start massage brush is always from the bottom up - from the feet to the hips from the stomach to the heart. So you get rid of edema. Do not rub too hard. Movement should be confident. Massage brush do before you take a shower (in the morning helps to quickly wake up). Once a week, combine massage with scrub.

After a shower, be sure to use a moisturizer. If you rub it not later than five minutes after taking a shower, the skin retain more moisture. After wetting must be addressed problem areas. Use firming cream regularly, only then will notice the results - subcutaneous fat will decrease, and the skin becomes more elastic and smooth.

Tanned skin looks more toned. The easiest way to get dark - tan. Start with a light shade to test the reaction of the skin and learn how to apply avtobronzant - without streaks and stains.

You can buy a nice tan in the solarium. Especially that ultraviolet uplifting and eliminates the winter depression. But do not try to tan instantly. Dose session. Start with five minutes and gradually increase the duration to 10-12 minutes. Remember that the sun deck dries the skin, so be sure to use protective equipment during and after the procedure. Fast illuminating vertical solarium, as it is more powerful lamp. But horizontally creates the illusion that summer is in full swing.

Surprisingly, odors can affect not only our mood, but also on the skin. That Is Whyadd essential oils in a cream, massage oil or water bath. Rose oil, sandalwood and lavender can be used in pure form, and all other essential oils mix with almond or jojoba oil. Find the right essential oil expert help. The GM should feel your condition, learn wishes problem. It is on the basis of this information is selected procedures of aromatherapy - anti-stress, toning, relaxing or, for example, anti-cellulite.

With regard to spiritsMingling with the natural smell of leather, they increase your sexuality and attractiveness. Jasmine and vanilla cause erotic fantasies for men, bright bold flavor emphasizes the independence and individuality of women. To keep a long flavor, you can use your favorite bathhouse line of toilet water - shower gel and moisturizing body lotion.

Tags: salon, beauty