Myths and Truths about classic beauty recipes

 Many beauty tips passed from grandmother to mother to mother to daughter. Some of them seem to us who came from time immemorial, and any and all folk wisdom. And we are so accustomed to trust them that sincerely are surprised to find another stupid, get to the bottom "recipe".

If you shave the hair on the legs, but do not remove the epilator, hair will become darker and hard


While shaving root hairs are not pulled out, as during epilation, and cut off - that's us and it seems that svezheotrosshie hairs "stick", because in the place they cut the thickest. Another thing after epilation, when from the root begins to grow a brand new hair - soft and flexible. So it's all about the cut, due to which we and the feeling that growing hair hard.

Deodorant clog pores and interfere with the normal perspiration


Deodorants, antiperspirants contain substances narrowing exits sweat glands (e.g. aluminum chloride, hydroxide), and thus actually preventing the exit of sweat on the skin surface.

Bath salt dries the skin


On the contrary, bath salt softens the skin, leaving it soft, silky and fragrant. And after the water treatment need not triturated with fury, and gently wipe fluffy towel to save valuable layer of essential oil.

Incidentally, the salt and essential oils soften not only the skin but also hard tap water.

The person must be wiped with lotion every night and every morning


Cleansing the face of such an algorithm: first milk, then water, then lotion. This is necessary, as a lotion refreshes and disinfects the skin, removes residues of milk, ready to take the cream. Often lotion also slightly tightens pores, which is why the skin appears bright, clean and smooth. By the way, for oily and combination skin, there are special lotions with white clay, gives the skin a matte finish.

Body creams tighten the skin and reduce cellulite


Creams and lotions for the body with coenzyme Q10, for example, or with fruit acids liberate the top layer of the epidermis from dead cells, so the skin is better supplied with blood, and faster and better absorb nutrients. If after a shower or bath massage the cream for the body, then lost the feeling of dryness of the skin, wrinkles, wrinkles and cellulite bumps smoothed. And if you use creams, oils and lotions on a regular basis, the skin will look long supple and youthful.

If at all times to cover the nail varnish, they will not "breathe" and become brittle.


If you apply nail right on the "base" containing vitamins and protect against exposure to acetone, - it will strengthen the nails, because we like their "dress". A "naked" not protected by a layer of paint nails (especially long ones) are much more likely to break due to mikroudarov, which we do not feel and do not notice. As for the "breath" of nails - it's the biggest myth. Think about it: nails - keratinized plate. What there is to breathe ?!

Peeling contraindicated sensitive skin


Sensitive skin like any other needs peeling cleaning, which frees it from calloused "flakes" of the upper stratum corneum and prepares to cosmetic procedures. However, if the peeling normal to oily skin do once a week, less sensitive, once every two weeks.

Pay attention: If your skin is prone to allergies and irritations, use creamy peeling, without large particles. Well, if the peel contains the finest chastichiki wax in the form of balls: they melt on the skin, clearing it very carefully. But peeling with sea sand, apricot pits and other abrasive particles with sharp jagged crumbs can injure the delicate sensitive skin.

Nails need to file in the same direction


Nail plates consist of several layers. Haphazardly wielding sawing back and forth, we create cracks in these layers - and nails start to exfoliate and break. Therefore, it is necessary to file nails short movements, and always in the same direction: from outside to inside.

Most sparing nail files - with the sand-coated, ceramic and glass. But metal sawing work clumsy, does not guarantee against damage.

In winter, you can not moisturize the skin

And rightly so, and there is no

On the one hand, cosmetologists say that dry and dehydrated skin should always moisturize. But be careful: in sub-zero temperatures, apply moisturizers only at night, otherwise you may receive a red mesh of burst capillaries and skin ogrubeet and flaked off. Of lung fluids should be abandoned in favor of more fat creams (check the composition of the seller in the beauty shop).

Tags: beauty recipe myth