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 If the facial skin has become dull, brittle hair, and appeared at the waist extra centimeters, more ... go to bed! Women's magazine JustLady of 10 rules, respecting you'll wake up beautiful.  

It turns out that the notorious biological clock is not only our brain and other internal organs, but also in leather! And if you want to look good in the morning, you need them from time to time to check.

"Golden hours for the skin is traditionally considered a period of from ten pm to midnight - says Marie-Anne Brie, director of scientific development of ILC-France. - However, recent studies have shown human biorhythms that the division epidermal cells reaches a peak in the morning, blood circulation is significantly accelerated in an hour and four in the morning, in the same four o'clock skin is best perceived components of cosmetics. "

1. Fresh complexion

"To the morning facial skin look good before going to bed to do foot massage - suggests Elena Arkhangelsk beautician - It will accelerate the process of removing toxins from the body." Twice a year, in spring and autumn, for three weeks every night apply the cream with glycolic acid or enzymes - he even out skin tone.

2. A clear view

Masks from edema should be done not in the morning and at night to stimulating blood circulation and removing fluid from the body, to prevent the problem.

3. Clean skin

Before going to bed, apply a dot on clean skin remedy for acne, and then on his face - moisturizer. Estheticians also advised: "Before going to bed belly massage in a circular motion clockwise - this helps digestion, and, therefore, clear skin."

4. Slim figure

Of course, you can go to the night program for busy people in a country spa. However, something like this can organizovati home. Take a bath before bedtime with milk warming or extracts of marine algae - it will help to bring the accumulated per day slag and start the process of splitting fat.

After the bath, to normalize circulation, rinse with cool water (not ice, otherwise the body confuse day and night). And light massage, apply the cream: anti-cellulite, if you want to lose weight, or moisturizer to strengthen skin.

"At night, the active ingredients slimming creams stimulate the production of lipase - the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of fats," - explains Larissa Yaroshenko beautician Collistar.

5. Beautiful curls

"If you have straight hair, wash your hair, apply a leave-in conditioner and dry. Do not use styling tools, screw the hair curlers on, then remove them and not examining the locks, put mesh. In the morning, drop your head down and comb hair flat brush. Fold the curls back, hands shape them and fix the paint "- Alexander advises Krasheninnikov, top stylist Wella Professionals stylist and TV program" Remove it immediately. "

6. Net head

Clean hair from styling products before bed as you clean the face of makeup. Wash my hair is only necessary if you mountains styling. "In other cases it is enough to comb hair massage brush and lightly apply to scalp tonic" - advises on. M. N., Professor Tatyana Protsenko.

7. Straight hair

To get rid of small curls, wash your hair, apply to damp hair smoothing agent, comb them, and divide it into strands. Then obveyte their head, and kill the invisible. Wear a silk scarf and go to bed in the morning, just comb the hair.

8. Soft heel

Peeling feet better to do before going to bed: in fact wearing shoes after you run the risk of instantly grate calluses. Do foot baths can be no more than once a week and no longer than 20 minutes - in warm water swells the skin and breaks down its protective layer. Get rid of cracked heels can be a week, if every evening to massage feet with cream and wear socks at night.

9. Smooth hands

"At night cream more rich formula than the day - explains Jens Schulz, a specialist of the Center studies of skin Nivea. - It contains more nutrients which act for 6-8 hours. " If your skin is dry, and cotton gloves at night do not want to wear, do massage hands, "scroll" each finger - the cream will penetrate deeper into the skin.

10. Tender lips

Before you apply Balsam (special night of the formula - know-how of this year), remove the debris lipstick lip cleanser - it gets rid of makeup a few light touches.

No, no, no! Five evening taboo.

1. Alcohol - Even a cocktail at night is enough that the skin has faded. The maximum that you can afford before going to sleep - a glass of water or tea.

2. A thick layer of night cream - When applying it as a mask, he scores pores.

3. Salt - Salted fish, cucumbers, meat dinner lead to delay in body fluids and as a result, morning edema around the eyes.

4. hair, covered in a ponytail - Pulling hair band or rubber band, you are breaking the circulation in the scalp and riskute trigger hair loss.

5. Shampoo before sleep- If you do wash your hair at night, dry hair before you go to bed. When in contact with wet hair with a cloth pillowcase, they are peeled flakes, why they become brittle. For the same reason comb wet hair comb and a brush is not.