Spring 2009: femininity in fashion

 Fashion designers continue to set new trends for the next year as part of London Fashion Week. For example, in spring 2009, designers offer to give up black in favor of bright colors and feminine look.

In the collections of designers such as Christopher Kane, Betty Jackson, Amanda Wakeley, as well as fashion house Ossie Clark's Avsh Alom Gur presented many models and colors papaya bright scarlet tones.

Caused considerable surprise dresses with elements jumpsuits. Outfit of the characteristic translucent fabric combined with ruffles and frills won many critics.

Very feminine model turned from Giles Deacon, Emma Cook and Marios Schwab. The bright and neon colors, organza and chiffon - these trends fit sensual natures, who prefer the classics.

Virtually all the mannequins representing the collection of the above designers took to the catwalk in high heel shoes. This is another trend that is in fashion next spring.

Tags: fashion, femininity