Men's fashion accessories - Winter 2007

 In the new season can be traced two major trends: strictly follow the chosen style in the selection of clothing and accessories, or vice versa, quite rowdy, mixing all styles, colors and textures.


Lack of choice of hats this season will not be. There are many options: the classic knitted hats, Gavroche, all kinds of caps, luxury hats, caps, reminiscent of a ski cap - Cock ...
Although forced to admit that the last turn men into boys - overgrown.

Scarves and cravats

Very clever accessory, depending on the length, color and the way of wearing can create any image, from cheeky dandy to a strict adherent of the classics.
This winter, the preferred long scarves made of natural fabrics with a fringe, fur trim. The most common figures - cell and strip. The classic version - plain scarves.


Three main trends: classic, narrow ties, ties with an unusual pattern.
And designers liked to hide ties under jackets, tank tops and hoodies. Stratification as a fashionable trend reached and men. From kindergarten did not feel cabbage? Do you have a great opportunity to remember your childhood!
Advise experimenters try to combine tie with jeans. It turns out very unusual and stylish image.


In this category prevail two styles - classic and rebelliousness.
Classic thong has the color and style combined with a briefcase and shoes. The only assumption in this season - not striking combination of two metals on the buckle.
Rebellious - is characterized by all kinds of pads, braids, stampings. Followers of the season - belts artificially aged skin.
By jeans and corduroys Pick belts with elaborate buckles.


This season, mostly classical, lined with wool or silk.
Also popular road gloves that dress now, not only sitting behind the wheel.
Colors: black, chocolate brown, red, beige.


The basic principle - the more, the better. In fashion bulky bags made of cloth, crocodile leather, polished or aged skin.
Designers actively use ethnic motives - bright ornaments and wooden handles; as well as a variety of ways to trim, pockets and straps.

Maria Finogina

Tags: accessory