Fashionable winter - 2007: Sunset glamor?

 After a stormy New Year holidays with their colorful tinsel and glitter hochetcya for a change of something entirely different. Especially that it's time to dive into everyday work and give everything for the benefit of native enterprises, institutions and organizations. And outside the walls of the workers want to look like something special. This winter, the opportunity afforded us the leading designers of the famous fashion houses.  

On the one hand, they focused on ostentation - these uniforms in the style of Napoleon's generals and dresses in the style of exquisite Josephine suddenly become part of our everyday life, being quite appropriate in the student audience, and in the office. On the other hand, like themselves immediately tired of this riot of colors and imperial splendor, designers offer a completely different style. And along with the most exquisite models, large volumes, complex decor actual winter trend is accentuated minimalism.

It is believed that he has roots in the forties, when the military forced austerity and designers and their clients do simple fabrics, all bright and artsy in the ladies' locker room was considered a challenge not only good taste, but also patriotism.

However, internally being introduced fashion trends rarely tenacious. That's minimalism quickly superseded by other fashionable destinations as soon as the post-war world began to normal daily life. Yet this style regularly returns. And, as a rule, when women begin to get tired of excessive luxury, complexity, designers pretentiousness proposed models. In other words, minimalism is always a kind of counterweight in the world of high fashion.

By the way, and shows the spring-summer collections of the upcoming fashion season clearly confirms this thought: we were again waiting for hobby minimalism. And the first bright smears true artists needle and thread made it winter collections this season.

The first is, of course, refers to the plateau, which remain one of the leading fashion trends. Everything is very simple, but this simplicity can and should be fine. Basic colors - gray, the color of warm milk or butter, black, brown and dark terracotta. The optimal length - at the knee or above the knee on the palm. All the rest - it's excesses and challenge, emphasizing the sexy outfit.

Novelty of the season can be considered a convenient and very practical present a strange winter dress of thin knitted fabric. This fabric typically has a smooth surface without vyvyazannyh patterns. Due invoices dress knitted fabric gently hugs the figure, but it is different chastity, it is suitable for any business environment. No aggressive sexuality bears no such dress.

Another difference between these actual knitted dresses - the absence of any decor. It is assumed small rounded neckline almost at the neck, straight or slightly flared silhouette, the rejection of various tucks and folds. As a result, a great addition to this dress is getting long gloves (black or color) and high boots (including suede). But adding a fur boa already completely changes the style and adds glamor.

Similar silhouette offers today dresses and woven wool or a soft flannel. They are more dense texture allows you to make small tucks, which not only give volume as build some modest geometric design, is in itself a refined decor. At the same time remember the famous dress Cristobal Balenciaga, who so successfully quote now many designers, but still in a more restrained manner. It's more of a hint of geometric shapes, rather than building a complex structure for the sake of construction.

To a lesser extent, we can talk about this winter minimalism business suits simply because business clothes already inherently implies this style. It is not often in a tweed suit, we can see ruffles or crawfish.

But in combination "skirt - shirt", this style can be used with success this winter. The easiest and win-win situation - white top, black bottom. In this there is a hint on military uniforms and hard eroticism feminism, and borrowing from the male wardrobe (as the ideal "white top" - is usually snow-white blouse in the style of a man's shirt). It's so bright, as strange as it sounds, a combination that can sometimes look like just calling. And yet it is the realization of a minimalist style.

More restrained his incarnation can be regarded as a combination of a narrow (but not tight!) Skirt dark tones with fine knit turtleneck, which are filled under her skirt. Here the most important thing - do not make a mistake in selecting the belt or strap, which can negate all your effort to look discreet and elegant. This belt should emphasize the waistline, but not to attract undue attention. It is rather a utilitarian thing than an element of decor.

Tags: sunset, glamor