Children's fashion for girls: summer season of 2010

Children's clothing is traditionally much more conservative than the adult: not changing for centuries pink dresses for girls, blue for boys suits, embroidered teddy bear and bunny ears on the hood ... And if you think about it baby clothes should be the most diverse and rapidly changing, because anyone would not dream of buying, for example, every year the same toy! Unfortunately, not many fashion houses develop children and youth clothing line as adults, but there are more. The most fashionable dresses for girls in the summer season of 2010 considers women's magazine Justlady.

Before designer children's clothes set two problems at once: his creation to like both parents and child. It is not surprising that the main trends of adult fashion and transferred to the nursery, of course, except emphasized sexual and aggressive things. However, once clothes are designed for children, it should be bright, a little funny and tender, so most gloomy and austere style immediately eliminated, and in addition, it is necessary that it was comfortable to play, run, jump, dance.

Particular attention is paid to clothing for girls, for little fashionistas from childhood begin to imitate mom or older sister, so they sewed exactly the same clothes, but smaller. The first fashion house, which began producing children's clothes, both for adolescents and for the little ones were Dolce & Gabbana. The success of this small experience has brought us new customers and broad advertising - the children many celebrities getting into the frame adorned with incredibly stylish at the same time sweet and touching the clothes with the inscription D & G Junior, D & G J. After this and other brands began to take the first steps in this direction: chic collection of children's and youth apparel appear at Kenzo, Jean Paul Gaultier, Domenique Rouzier. This year's line of clothing for girls and their mothers and older sisters released Sonja Rykel.

Thus, we consider the main trendschildren's fashion for girls in 2010year. Dolce & Gabbana prefer rough denim, combined with delicate feminine image as an adult and a children's collection: tiny denim dress for the little ones, pale pink dresses of thin cotton with lots of colorful ribbons and a few models in the style of football teams: while that such crumbs will not soon be able to score goals, bright colors and clean lines make this dress attractive to the child. In the collection of youthful adults more images: funny cowboy boys and girls, nautical theme - vest with a big red heart, flared jeans, sweaters, boatswain.

Children's fashion for girls: summer season of 2010

One of the most delicate2010 collection for girlsat Kenzo - thin cotton fabric in small flower and cell combination of beige and dark crimson, purple-gray and cold pink, deep purple and green marsh. Each dress is sewn from two types of fabrics with different pattern, which not only does not interfere with perception, but also complement each other. At the heart of the composition subtle and complex floral pattern, so accessories should be bulky and monochrome, for example, at a photo shoot the girls are holding different objects in retro style.

Children's fashion for girls: summer season of 2010

Children's fashion for girls 2010by Sonja Rykiel as part of a new project with H & M - this is a whole line of knitted garments of bright, cheerful colors: sunny yellow, fuchsia rich, warm shades of pink, grass green. At its creation has been used a brand new method: a series of similar and resonate with each other for the images of an adult woman, teenage girl and very young girls. Thus, going to summer vacation at the resort mom, her elder and a younger daughter can pick up clothes, made in the same style. The collection also includes swimwear, sun hats, and even toys. And the clothing itself is a lot like a doll: large pockets, funny inscriptions and fun applications, a lot of soft ruches. One of the most endearing images - dresses and suits in black and white checks, supplemented by a bow and trim lapels.

Children's fashion for girls: summer season of 2010

Bchildren's fashion for girls 2010year from Jean Paul Gaultier we meet small business woman, dressed in a simple, elegant clothes. Primary colors: a combination of black and white, no pictures except strips on jumpers, blouses and dresses. A little variety makes fur trim and ornaments of feathers for hair. Footwear and accessories in the style of the classic children's black-and-white tones. Of course, such clothing is suitable only for urban life, on holiday, it will be hardly appropriate.

Children's fashion for girls: summer season of 2010

One of the most versatile2010 collection for girlsfrom Pampolina: impossible to pass light summer dress with bright patterns and rich colors, original costumes in the style of the Wild West: denim skirts, soft leather, high boots and t-shirts with a lot of funny prints and labels.

Children's fashion for girls: summer season of 2010

So, if you grow a little fashionista, do not forget to buy for her fun outfits for sunny holiday and a few more stringent dresses for urban life. Think about and accessories - bright hair clips, bracelets, belts and jewelry on the neck, because it is the children they bring the greatest joy.

Maria Leo
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags:clothes, dress, log, season