Scientists continue to confirm the major role of odors in sexual behavior of people. Man is programmed at the biological level to find a suitable pair, guided by the smell. So, if you want to dizzying sex, listen to their sense of smell.
Smell - one of the most important elements of sexual attraction
In addition, the sense of smell - one of the easiest ways to "read" the information about the partner, because you can do it right here, right now, without using any means at hand and not spending a lot of time. If you are turned on by the smell of a man, he will approach you as a sexual partner.
However, people usually do not attach much importance to their natural smell, preferring to mask it with deodorants and perfumes. They do not understand that, interrupting the natural body odor strong fruity, musky and other flavors, they spoil yourself "game", confusing potential partners.
Our natural smell is able to convey the information to another person about whether we want sex, with whom and how much.
In the search for sexual pleasure smell plays an even more important than appearance
Of course, completely abandon perfumes and deodorants especially in today's world is not possible, but you can at least do not reach this fanaticism.
Why did the smell has such a strong stimulating effect?
The exact answer to this question is no, since most of these processes occur at a subconscious level and difficult to analyze. However, it is known that the human sense of smell is closely linked with his emotions, knowledge, mood, sexuality, pleasure and memory. Just one breath can cause us a storm of feelings, thoughts and memories.
Smell helps not only hunters pleasures. Scientists have found that the natural flavor of the person helps him to reproduce healthy offspring. The term "healthy" is meant here that the child will have higher immunity due to genes received from parents.
Woman, guided by smell, looking for a partner with a specific set of genes known as the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The more different MHC men and women, so great to get a child.
In 1995, Swiss scientist Claus Wedekind (Claus Wedekind) conducted an experiment that became known as the «sweaty t-shirt study» («study sweaty T-shirts"). During the experiment the men for two nights wearing cotton T-shirt and not used at this time no deodorant, soap and other perfumed products.
After that, the young women were invited to "test" the smell of these t-shirts. And what happened? Opposites attract ... Smells men with different immune systems recognize sexual woman, and if a man had a similar immune system, they are perceived as unpleasant smell. A similar experiment carried out in 1998 at the University of New Mexico, showed the same results.
The only exception to this rule are women taking oral contraceptives. These funds interfere with a woman's body, feigning pregnancy. Accordingly, the body no longer needs to choose the right partner and ceases to "respond" to the natural smell of man.
Of course,evaluate odors of the opposite sex is not only women but also men. They are "treated" the smell of the female body in search of a potential signal that the partner's ovulation occurred. University of Austin in Texas in 2001 had a similar experiment with t-shirts. The result revealed that the odor and appearance as women are more attractive in certain phases of the cycle.
Now the men smelled T-shirts for women. Part of the T-shirts worn by women in the ovulatory phase of the cycle, and the other part - in neovulyatsionnoy. First smell was much more sexy and attractive to men.
While scientists are just beginning to penetrate the mysteries of the human sense of smell and related psychological processes odors appeal has been known to people long ago. So, a few centuries ago among Australian farmers existed rite during active dance they underlay his armpits handkerchiefs, which were saturated with sweat, and then gave them a sniff of her lover. Of course, we do not recommend you to repeat their experience, but just think how informative can be your own smell.
Lyudmila Lavrushina