The spirit of autumn 2009. New and best flavors of the season

 The advent of the new season - an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the latest and top up your perfume wardrobe. Fall so much I want to have time - enjoy the aftertaste of ripe fruit, deeply inhale the crystal October air, thick with the smell of fallen leaves, do not lose composure during the rainy season and no losses for the mood to go through the first frost. Women's magazine presents an overview of recent JustLady flavors, perfectly suitable for all this and much more!

In the category Perfumes: Niche perfumery

Helena Rubinstein - Wanted

"Wanted and wanted" - something like this can translate the English name of the new fragrance from the fashion house Helena Rubinstein. His face became a superstar Demi Moore; fragrance is dedicated to women who know what they want and know how to achieve it.

Helena Rubinstein Wanted

The innovation lies in the spirits attracts attention contrast between solar, feminine initial notes of magnolia, ylang-ylang and softly woven into these traditionally masculine woody-musky echoes. Gentle creaminess of butter toffee, suddenly sounding in the heart of the fragrance, it returns to the feminine and makes «Wanted» harmonious and complete.

You will be surprised how strong and powerful components can enrich the delicate ladies' perfume.

True Religion - True Religion for Woman

Design House True Religion, specializing in denim products, has launched a new fragrance pair. His female version attracts attention even before the moment getting into the act olfactory receptors: an amazing bottle and pulls pick up. It is a stylized vintage bottle with a patterned silver lid, decorated with large rhinestones framed vignettes.

True Religion for Woman

Inside the bottle - a real treat that can give a taste of the most overcast and dreary autumn days. Shimmering tangerine fruit chord, crunchy apple varieties Granny Smith and juicy blackcurrant act as an energy drink, invigorates and excites. Feminine heart notes are composed of freesia and amaryllis petals with a slight touch of plum and pouring them warm wood-base animalistic motives.

According to the creators, this fragrance recreates the freedom-loving and carefree spirit of the era hippies!

Cacharel - Scarlett

Name of the beautiful yuzhanki, the heroine of your favorite book of all time, has long been a household name, and now gave the name of the new perfume French magicians Cacharel. These spirits - Scarlett O'Hara homage at the same time a tribute to the charismatic women who find the novelty reflection of his personality and deservedly feel heroines of the current day.

Cacharel Scarlett

Scarlett - very classy fragrance, whose structure resembles beads Thus notes strung next to each other. Nearby are the fresh tea leaves, wild honey from Provence, the sweet smell of ripe pears ... Innocence white flowers intertwined with erotic glow white musk. Scarlett - perfume for women who are as confident as sensual, and just as strong as the flirtatious!

Dsquared - Velvet Wood

Another pair newest fragrance from iconic fashion label. Dsquared released a perfume perfectly illustrates the favorite all autumn days when the air is clear and calm, the sky fades - bottomless, and around the world is filled with aromas of impending sleep nature. Fragrance Velvet Wood, «Velvet Forest" - a symphony slightly damp wood, the smell of fallen pine needles, leaves and moss galbanum, suddenly transformed into a delicate floral accord with a touch of the Canadian lily.

Dsquared Velvet Wood

Armani - Idole

Autumn is unthinkable without the cozy daisy flavor warming and uplifting in the muddy rainy days. Ideally suited for this role novelty from Armani - women's perfume Idole.

Armani Idole

This is the smell of a woman having a right eye-catching and admiration. It is appetizing and at the same time timeless elegance. Bitter and sweet, sad and joyful, his and others' - "Idol" combines all. On the basis of styrax, patchouli and vetiver lukumnaya bloom rose, jasmine and saffron, fragrant pear, sweet orange and ginger flavored with wormwood.

Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: autumn flavor