Aroma and emotions

 Everyone knows that the odors associated with emotions. How else to explain that some of the flavors we are ready to jump and flutter like butterflies, other - get under a warm blanket with a book and a cup of tea, but from the third - depressed.  

Why, then, did not create a single perfect perfume of happiness, which gave to all the joy and optimism? The answer is clear: different people have the same fragrance can cause completely opposite emotions. From what depends on our perception of odors?

Odor is not only sense of smell, but also emotions and events associated with this sensation. The smell can cause a strong emotional reaction. Moreover, many of our perfume preferences based only on emotional associations.

Communication flavors and emotions - is not an invention of poets or perfume manufacturers. Our olfactory receptors are directly connected to the limbic system - the most ancient and primitive part of the brain, which is considered a "place of storage" of our emotions. Sense of smell passed the cerebral cortex, where the process of recognizing the smell, but only after "including" everything, even the deepest parts of our brain. Thus, by the time we properly call a specific aroma such as vanilla, the smell is already activated the limbic system, calling to mind the emotions associated with this smell.

It is surprising that improve mood and well-being can not only the flavor, but only our expectations of flavor. For example, if you say that this vial contains smell the roses (and in fact there will be plain water), then sprinkle a little of this bottle, you will feel the emotions associated with the rose, although several times weaker. Here it is - the power of auto-suggestion!

Currently, many scientists believe that love and rejection of certain odors is an innate trait. It has also been proved and practical experience in the process that produces brain scans. However, in respect of perfume preferences can not be said that the theory of innate fully justified.

Specialists from the perfume company Quest conducted a study in which the action was checked 50 flavors of 20-30 people from the UK, France, Germany and Japan. Readings were taken using EEG brain - objective measure of emotional activity. As a result, it was found out that the people of a country are equally responsive to the same flavor, although the strength of their emotions vary. Thus, we can not ignore the cultural background in the perception of flavors.

A large role in perfume preferences play and traditions of the countries. For example, in the UK the smell of chrysanthemums associated with tender romantic feelings, because they are presented on a date and decorate their house. In France, these flowers are a symbol of death, as they are usually put on the graves.

So, perfume preferences - a very personal question associated with memories and associations of the individual. For example, among the answers to the question: "What is your favorite smell? "- Are common flavors are usually regarded as unpleasant (eg, gasoline or glue). At the same time, many people can not stand some of the flavors are usually perceived as pleasant (such as floral scents). Widespread belief that the scent of lavender has a calming effect, not always confirmed. As we have seen, these preferences are explained by good and bad associations related to specific flavors.

Despite these individual characteristics, we can make some generalizations about the perfume preferences. For example, experiments have shown thatmost people prefer the familiar smells, that is, those that they can identify. We feel more comfortable when we know what smell. There are also some flavors that are almost universally accepted by all, for example, is a sweet musky scents that are associated with the first treat - mother's milk, or vanilla, which still is the most popular component of spirits.

Tags: emotion flavor