Monthly Horoscope for April 2007

 Mid-spring to most people is a very positive period, rich in bright events, great achievements and successful change. Through the influence of the sign of Aries and the strategic location of the planets we have increased immunity, there is a good mood and belief in themselves. April promotes a work and study, the formation of new connections, visiting distant countries and territories and, of course, active communication with friends. Fire element helps to start their own business, to be beaten in the leading position, take your education, pull in shape. Many may opt for a serious trip to the dentist. The first decade will bring many changes in personal relationships, changing rakovodstva in some organizations, new alliances and unions. Chance of a small financial crisis earlier this month.

The second decade will take much more active, since Mercury and Venus move in men signs of the zodiac, bringing a splash of communications, new interests, dating, and travel ideas. New Moon on April 17, as always, will become a Rubicon entire month, summing up the end of March - beginning of April and creating new plans for the second half of spring. The last decade of the month will be enough troubled, though the sign of Taurus will increase cravings for nature, dachas, agriculture and the rhythm of life. But the conjunction of Mars-Uranus and the influence of Venus with Jupiter will bring during this period a large number of visits and new contacts, often international. In personal and even international relations will be rapid changes can be opened secrets, new alliances or whirlwind romance. During this period in our lives will break a large number of the latest news and impressions, it will be possible to improve their cultural and intellectual level.

It is not necessary to schedule important meetings, shopping, solutions1, 4, 6, 15, 18, 23, 25, 27, April 28.
And for successful action and interaction can be identified 7, 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 24, 29, April 30.

Aries 21.03-20.04
The first two week of April for many Aries will be the most successful period of the year. You can move strongly in all cases, to improve their health and appearance, to begin some new enterprise. We will improve the position of Aries at work, there will be opportunities to visit other countries to improve education. Communication and learning will be easier to be given to you after the 11th day, although in the first week you can lay a new foundation in his career, to start any construction and other long-term projects. In the last decade of the month the pace of life significantly subside, you will no longer worry about the financial and economic issues. But in the same period, there will be many interesting contacts, especially on the road, it will be possible to visit relatives, to visit new places together with my boyfriend.
Your days - April 16-17.

Taurus 21.04-20.05
In the first six days of the month it is not necessary to plan purchases and financial stocks, important meetings in business and personal life should be postponed for another time. Because of the aspects of Venus and Saturn and Neptune are possible separation from loved ones and monetary loss, someone of your friends may need help, and you yourself need to be more attentive to health. Middle of the month will take place more quietly, appears in many positive changes, you will support a variety of people who may be new friends. After the new moon occurs 17-18 of your month, Taurus feel emotional lift, in life there will be many new plans. Interesting news in business awaits you after April 27.
Your days - 18 April.

Gemini 21.05-21.06
April will take you quite fun and interesting. Your love and social life will sparkle with new colors, the Twins will find a lot of important changes in work and social circle. After the 12th, when Venus moves into your sign, many will want to update your image, go shopping, do for yourself expensive purchase. You have markedly increased sociability, so the second half of the month will bring a series of brilliant singles, possible new hobbies in the literature and iskussstv. End of the month will be very eventful, offers an interesting trip, a lot of new experiences on holiday and in his personal life. However, in the period from 20 to 27 April rapport with relatives can be given to you with difficulty, there may be disputes and conflicts, although the relationship may become more passionate and interesting.
Your days - April 19-20.

Cancer 22.06-22.07
With the arrival of April you appear ambitious goals in the new plans for the summer, and in general, about their future. On the sixth of when Mars enters a water element, it will be easier given any work, there will be opportunities to travel, study, joint ventures with friends. The first decade will allow you to complete the cycle of business negotiations and meetings, and has 11 numbers may be new topics in business and communication. In mid-April, you may be new business alliances, some cancers will need to take a definite decision in his personal life. The last decade of the month promises to bring good luck and harmony in your life. You will be able to slowly deal with their own affairs, to make some changes in your life, get plenty of rest and chat with friends.
Your days - 22 April.

Leo 23.07 - 23.08
April brings you a lot of opportunities for the majority of Lviv is going to be one of the best periods of the year. In the first two-thirds of the month you can decide important issues with a career, get a promotion at work and support of influential people. Many will significantly improve health, at this time is useful to engage in sports or fitness. You can successfully resolve any situation with the real estate, to increase its influence in society, to start new businesses. In the last third of the month may appear pleasant dating, improve relationships with family, you'll be more likely to be selected for various meetings and social events. After the 20th day of work can not move as fast, but you can learn a new level of quality, to increase their earnings and to think about new acquisitions.
Your days - April 24-25.

Virgo 24.08 - 23.09
Mid-spring to you unstable period when relations with others much change. Competitors will force you to take action, in the work there will be new challenges. Especially important topic can become personal life, because many Virgos want to experience fresh feeling, and loved one should support them in this endeavor. Your life will be much more dynamic, probably a large number of trips in the areas of communication can break completely new people. The last third of the month will be particularly eventful, but at the same time, you will be confident to make decisions, getting rid of unprofitable business partnership, increasing their earnings and level of knowledge.
Your days - April 26-27.

Libra 24.09 - 23.10
April to have a very important month, which allows you to activate communication in society, to show their organizational, diplomatic and mediation talents brighter assert itself. You may be new partners that will increase your opportunities, Libras need to actively take uchastive in all possible meetings, negotiations, holidays and events. In his personal life is also expected a lot of interesting and pleasant events. You can meet new people, often selected together in the light, to devote time to cultural recreation and entertainment. In April of a loved one can be a time of great success, you will find something to enjoy. At the end of the month on the job may be controversial, especially in matters of personnel, you will need to look more closely kontrolirovt personal and general finance.
Your days - 2-3, 29-30 April.

Scorpio 24.10 - 22.11
Earlier this month, up to the sixth number, you will find some decline, which will be reflected primarily in financial and love affairs. Shopping, gifts, working negotiations at this time it is better not to plan. But otherwise since the seventh day you will feel great. Through the influence of Mars in April will bring you a significant activation in the working and creative affairs. You will feel a surge of strength, freedom of decision, supported by friends and partners. It will be possible to start a new job, to learn the technique, vacation this month will bring a lot of vivid impressions. Work many will literally boil, you can realize not only the long-delayed ideas, but also immediately implement some new projects. The last third of the month will help to improve the financial situation, to increase privacy but important purchases you'd better be postponed until May 8.
Your days - April 4-5.

Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
The first decade of the month for you exceptionally favorable. You can implement many of the things that was intended, to reach new standards in work and personal development, make an incredible trip. Not excluded meteoric rise in his career, the recognition in the country and abroad. In the middle of the month you must activate communication with relatives, there will be many new friends, activated correspondence. Many events will be associated with a loved one, it is also a good time for both work and leisure, you will be able to demonstrate the strengths of his character. At the end of the month in personal relationships come hot days, at home and in the possibility of unexpected adjustment. Definitive conclusions about all of these events should not do until May 6th.
Your days - April 7-8.

Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
In April, when the sky reigns Aries, things are moving very fast, you need to actively participate in new projects to keep up with other people and the spirit of the times. Capricorns can arrange permutations home, actively manage their finances and real estate, only to the sixth number is better not to make purchases or investments. The second half of the month will bring you a new communication, there will be more intellectual work, you may have to undergo some additional study. After 17 numbers you expect a quiet and comfortable living environment, interesting trip. You will be able to think about the rest and new acquisitions, to devote more time to children, loved ones and their own interests.
Your days - April 9-10.

Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
The most active period of the year for you over. In April, it will be possible to rest, to live in his pleasure, to give more time to her family, communication, development of relations. However, this spring month need to spend as much as possible in the physical and intellectual sense. If in the first week, you can feel the sheer apathy and some limitations in money or support from other people, with the number 11 everything will fall into place. Aquarians will feel again the taste for life, you will wake up interest in new ideas, technical innovations, you will be easier to go on a trip, boldly meet new people. Not excluded even the new novels, as well as improving relations with all others - relatives, neighbors, colleagues at work. At the end of the month you need to consider a few important goals and send them on their financial resources, especially if they are related to the household, land, cottage.
Your days - 11, 12, April 13.

Pisces 21.02 - 20.03
April will be a special month of the current year. It will welcome you to visit Mars, which will intensify your business life, your self-confidence, some Pisces want to organize their own business. However, you have not ruled out an increase in life trauma or conflict in communication. This month is particularly good teamwork, you can rally a team of associates and achieve very good results. In the third decade of possible major changes in the business and personal communications, you may need urgent travel, changes in operating conditions. You are sure to enjoy new acquaintances and fresh impressions, sit on the ground at this time is not necessary. Buy you better be postponed until the second week of May.
Your days - April 13-14.


Tags: horoscope, April