Love Horoscope for April, 2007.

 Spring time of love, we learn that we have prepared in April!


April - a wonderful month for Aries. It was in April, you will grow into a most charming and attractive. From the point of view of astrology - April as the month full of surprises. Blossom your sensuality, and it will be very noticeable to the top of the second decade, when the weft square Venus and Mars. In addition, Venus enters Gemini, which means that you will not rebound from the fans. Unfortunately there, fortunately, but you prefer to have several fans. It will make you a bit giddy. Remember that the maneuver in such a situation will not be easy: you will seek the help of family and friends. As a result, one day you want to radically change their lives.


In early April, Venus will be in your sign. A very exciting time, full of amorous adventures. And since spring is in full swing! Flourish, smite the surrounding beauty. In the second decade of April, Venus will move into Gemini, from which feelings become more hectic, relations will reign innuendo. You can easily conquer the object of his interest, but do not expect consistency. Tie him to her hard, because your eyes run, but you can.


Good month, filled with love and romance. You will love to work out the most daring experiments. With the arrival of spring your whole appearance transformed. From the second decade of April things will be even better because of Venus, which is located in Gemini, it's your sign, so - and you flag in hand. Become queen of the ball. Do not you deserve it? It's time to do their own appearance and prepare for changes in fate.


Cancers in April wonder how good. And all because the spring in the yard. New hairstyle or update in the locker room you will be sure to face. In early April, Venus is in Taurus, and feelings are so little restrained, but in the second decade! Venus enters Gemini, that's where it makes sense to turn around. Grab your luck by the tail, use your innate ability to tenacity. Loved one will be attentive to you, but not to avoid petty quarrels in the beginning of the month. May be determined closer to the trip that you have outlined in the May holidays.


Lions will make bask in the warm spring sun his luxurious mane. And, of course, this beauty will not go unnoticed opposite sex. And if it is in order - and then no words. And if not ... Rank own appearance urgently, because the second decade of April - the best time for love. And what will be your beautiful image, the better. In the second half of the month of your feelings and emotions will be mobile, use it. Become a little light-headed, because spring in the yard. Admit in his heart goodness and beauty.


Virgo - the Queen in April. Venus, which is very close to the Virgin by its nature, will initially be in Taurus, and then move to the Twins. Taurus - a sensual, touch, strong passion. Gemini - duality and impermanence. In the first half of the month your love is strong, true, but the second half of April, you may want to switch to the other and their fans. Well, just do not get carried away. After all, it can make in your life problems. On the whole month is very good and will bring you a lot of bright, happy moments.


You probably should not change anything in a romantic relationship. Already laid the foundations for something bright and wonderful, is it worth to make much fuss? The relationship did not reach its peak? Most likely, it will happen very soon, and even that is quite obvious, many of Libra will have a chance soon to be married. Earlier this month, the relationship more equal than passionate. By the middle of the month - fast acceleration. By the end of the month - giddy with emotion.


In April, can renew old relationships - skorpionchiki met his former partner and fall in love again. Should we do it? Perhaps if these relationships can develop differently than before. Because past mistakes tend to be repeated. Beware of this. Better, of course, if you will find a new love or upgrade relations in the family, warm up with a partner several cooled feelings. The best partner for Scorpions in April: a man who can give them a sea of ​​new emotions. But nerds are best avoided.


Clarity and sobriety of mind inherent in Sagittarius in April, will help to keep control of the situation. You will be able to win the hearts, but your mind will remain cold. Bravo, Sagittarius! Use sensuality partner for their own benefit, enjoy intimacy. Let you like a little bit more. In the middle of the month due to Venus in Gemini want diversity in love. Not necessarily for this to throw to the winds, just update with a partner to negotiate about the new features that give you your close relationships. In short, love is much, even too much.


Capricorns in April strongly changed both externally and internally. Sequence determination in love? Nothing of the sort! Especially in the middle of the month, when Venus will move into Gemini. That's when Capricorns can show others what is really worth it. Attractiveness and charm, which are already inherent in you, will fight over the edge. Toward the end of the month because of the location of stars will be feeling unsteady, unstable. At this time, any heartfelt passion, is likely to be short-lived. Get ready by May, May is already preparing surprises you in love sphere.


At Aquarius in April desire to take shape as quickly as possible to go on holiday. Dreams of distant lands, beautiful, sensual novel on the shores of some exotic island - what else can you ask for? And even if you are married, why not update your feelings and do not go on vacation with your loved ones during the May holidays? Your ideal partner in April: Loyal, loving person. Beware of individuals, who have seven Fridays of the week: it's with you today and tomorrow - interested in your girlfriend.


In April Fishes, heart thawed after hibernation, decide to catch up and will twist the novels with two or even three gentlemen at the same time. This, of course, add a small fish weight in the eyes of friends, but did not bring them closer to the main goal, and yet find a single man can do this month to end the wedding. You should make it a rule - do not hurry up and act decisively and sure. Your ideal partner in April: a man who can be trusted and who is able to support you in your hectic adventures. Man, however, that a lot of talk, but little is done in April can be a big problem.

Tags: horoscope, April