Photographic nude art: Man Ray exhibition at the Pushkin Museum Pushkin

 In the Pushkin Museum from 30 October 2013 to 19 January 2014 will host an exhibition of portraits of famous artist, filmmaker and photographer Man Ray.
The exhibition, entitled "Man Ray. Portraits "includes about one hundred works made in the period from 1916 to 1976. The artist is not satisfied with the photo itself, making it the basis for daring artistic experiments. With the camera Man Ray introduced to Alfred Stieglitz, arming the master tool that brought him fame. Man Ray's work expresses an original look at the photo and combining it with the artistic elements of different styles. It is interesting that he recognized classic photos never treated it seriously, claiming that removes only that failed to draw.
Portrait - an important genre in the artist. Before his lens flashed such prominent figures as Coco Chanel, Salvador Dali, Sergei Eisenstein, Kiki de Montparnasse. Some of them can be seen at the exhibition in the Pushkin Museum.

Photographic nude art: Man Ray exhibition at the Pushkin Museum Pushkin

Photographic nude art: Man Ray exhibition at the Pushkin Museum Pushkin

Photographic nude art: Man Ray exhibition at the Pushkin Museum Pushkin

Photographic nude art: Man Ray exhibition at the Pushkin Museum Pushkin

Photographic nude art: Man Ray exhibition at the Pushkin Museum Pushkin

Photographic nude art: Man Ray exhibition at the Pushkin Museum Pushkin

Photographic nude art: Man Ray exhibition at the Pushkin Museum Pushkin

Photographic nude art: Man Ray exhibition at the Pushkin Museum Pushkin

Photographic nude art: Man Ray exhibition at the Pushkin Museum Pushkin

Photographic nude art: Man Ray exhibition at the Pushkin Museum Pushkin