Master Class: Louis Vuitton teaches properly collect the suitcase

 The French fashion house Louis Vuitton has released a video packing instruction luggage entitled The Art of Packing. Smart packing things on the road means not only saving space suitcase, but also proper care of expensive things. The designer Louis Vuitton began his career as a luggage packer assistant, so I knew a good judge.  

The official website of Louis Vuitton have a great video on how best to pack our things on the road, as well as hands-on interactive course - you can try to pack a suitcase with the help of clues.

Instructions will help compact package and put shoes, roll up shirts, dresses and suits so that they do not take up much space and not get crushed. Also aware of some important recommendations that and in what order better to lay in luggage - what kind of things should be on the bottom, and which - on top.

Master Class: Louis Vuitton teaches properly collect the suitcase