In Peru, sunny: Valentine Zelyaeva for Elle Mexico

 While we toil in anticipation of this spring, in Peru in full sun. Tell us about it backstage shots for the March issue of Elle Mexico with Russian supermodel Valentina Zelyaevoy starring.

Photographer Alexander Neumann, author of pictures, born and raised in Peru, filming location familiar to him, and the atmosphere is comfortable. As, however, and Valentina Zelyaevoy, darling Palph Lauren, apparently. Top Model confidently demonstrates outfits Dolce & Gabbana, Bottega Veneta, Catherine Malandrino and other brands, expertly chosen by Simon Rasmussen, editor of fashion magazines.

In Peru, sunny: Valentine Zelyaeva for Elle Mexico

In Peru, sunny: Valentine Zelyaeva for Elle Mexico

In Peru, sunny: Valentine Zelyaeva for Elle Mexico

In Peru, sunny: Valentine Zelyaeva for Elle Mexico

In Peru, sunny: Valentine Zelyaeva for Elle Mexico

In Peru, sunny: Valentine Zelyaeva for Elle Mexico

In Peru, sunny: Valentine Zelyaeva for Elle Mexico