How to meet the 2010 target. What celebrate Year of the Tiger

 According to ancient legend, Burmese, Buffalo won the battle of the Tiger and since then, Tiger can not stand the Bulls and, seeing the old year, it is not necessary to praise it. 2010 must be met with hope and respect - a tiger like. Tiger always strive forward, ignores conventions, does not like conservatism and narrow-mindedness. What's to celebrate the New Year of the Tiger? What should be the Christmas menu for 2010? How to decorate the house for the New Year 2010 Tiger?  

Under the heading Horoscopes: horoscope for 2010 Year of the Tiger

How to meet the 2010 Tiger

Dresses for New Year 2010
History of the New Year or Christmas whirlwind
New Year's Eve makeup 2010 (photos)

Year of the Tiger - this time making unusual and unexpected situations. If you are not afraid of difficulties and do not be afraid to go through the test - then this is your year. This year can be a struggle and ups to unreachable heights. Year of the Metal Tiger - a year of outstanding personalities, battles ambitions, ups and downs and strength tests.

What's to celebrate the New Year of the Tiger

Tiger likes bright and rich colors, but of course, this does not mean that we should remind the Christmas tree. It is best to opt for a dress red shades (as opposed to the Bull), solar light shades and of course striped outfits - it will be very nice to Tiger. Better to choose clothes made of natural materials: leather, suede, silk and other materials. Clothes can be combined to create different images. The main thing to wear to create the effect of grace. You can opt for fitting trousers, blouses, jackets slim line or narrow skirts with inflated belt. The Year of the Tiger - it's a great excuse to have a party in costume, the highlight of which can be stuffed vest or waistcoat.

How to meet the 2010 target. What celebrate Year of the Tiger

If a meeting of the new year you come seriously, but your wardrobe consists of moderate and concise orders, pay attention to the decoration. It can be as luxurious jewelry and jewelry. Perfectly suited large beads of bright colors and massive bracelets, brooches, earrings volume. 2010 - a year marked by the yellow metal, so do not limit yourself to a variety of accessories. Decorate hair barrettes with rhinestones and waist - belt with beautiful decorative buckle. But they should choose tasteful, Tiger does not accept the bad taste and negligence.

Astrologers recommend greet Year of the Tiger in the new shoes, even if you meet him at home. Women should choose leather shoes with a bright finish - lace or buckle. Men in this regard easier specific requirements for their shoes Tiger does not show.

New Year's menu for 2010

Festive table should be beautifully decorated, the candles must be present in two colors. The color scheme for candles: stripe, white, purple or gold. On the table is obligatory festive tablecloth and holiday service, but do not forget about the symbolism of the coming year. Decorate the holiday table in the center of a large tiger figurine and several small statues along the edges of the table, you can also use napkins with the image of a tiger.
The basis of a festive meal must be of different kinds of meat: steak, barbecue, barbeque, slicing, ham and salads with meat. But if you do not eat meat, do not worry, Tiger reacts favorably and vegetables and the presence on the festive table an abundance of vegetables, legumes and soy products are also very welcome.

Drinks on the holiday table should be amber, red and burgundy shades. So you should opt for cognac, wine, fruit of the peach or plum, carrot or orange juice. But remember, alcohol abuse in the year of the tiger can not, otherwise you risk losing favor with the tiger, becoming similar to another enemy Tiger - Monkey.

Home decoration for the New Year 2010 Tiger

The decor of the rooms must be present details from a metal Jewellery-metal, silver glasses, etc. On the Christmas tree would be good to hang homemade toys.

How to meet the 2010 target. What celebrate Year of the Tiger

New Year's holiday - it's a great opportunity to show your design talent.
To Yellow Metal Tiger was favorable to you, make your choice on the decoration of silver or golden. Decorations should create an effect of luxury, it is very fond of the Tiger. Jewelry should be a lot, and they should be varied. In addition to the standard symbols, use in the decoration and original features. For example, golden bells hang or arrange for home metal vase with fruit. Perfect for decoration. Horn inlaid, it will serve as a symbol of wealth and abundance.

We wish you a successful meet New Year and let it run all your dreams come true!