
 Zhyustokor - long fitted men's coat with short sleeves and no gate. In the 60 years of the XVII vekaukazom King Louis XIV was released "on zhyustokor privilege" - a suit that could be worn only members of the royal family. Blue with red lining, it was embroidered with gold and silver and richly urashen. Later ...
 Zhyustokor - long fitted men's coat with short sleeves and no gate. In the 60 years of the XVII vekaukazom King Louis XIV was released "on zhyustokor privilege" - a suit that could be worn only members of the royal family. Blue with red lining, it was embroidered with gold and silver and richly urashen. Later became a military uniform cut along the lines zhyustokora.

In the 70s there were models with long sleeves with cuffs. Produced from long lace sleeves shirt sleeves and collar from - jabot. Soon replaced frill came Cravath - wide tie with lace at the ends.

Starting from the 80s, style and finish zhyustokora began regularly vary according to fashion trends. In the middle of the XVIII century, a female model zhyustokora - hunting costume element.

In the second half of the XVIII century modern model zhyustokora with pleats, folds on the sides became known as "Abi" (this word is preserved to this day). At the beginning of the XIX century came to be called the same coat.