
 The word "mantle" has many meanings. Translated from the Greek literally means "wool cloak." Applicable to the world of fashion, the term can be applied to long coat without sleeves, acting as formal wear. Since ancient times, the mantle was a symbol of affiliation of the person wearing it, to a certain rank, rank. It was worn on top of the other ...
 The word "mantle" has many meanings. Translated from the Greek literally means "wool cloak." Applicable to the world of fashion, the term can be applied to long coat without sleeves, acting as formal wear. Since ancient times, the mantle was a symbol of affiliation of the person wearing it, to a certain rank, rank. It was worn over other clothing kings, priests, judges, lawyers, academics. This garment was given a deep sense of the sacred. The church, monarchs, wear robes, fully consistent with its status as God's vicegerent on earth. Since 1992, the entire judiciary of the Russian Federation introduced a mandatory norm of wearing robes when administering justice. Graduates of many universities also clothed in robes to give the graduation ceremony solemnity.