
 Mantle - a embroidered collar, garment covering the shoulders and serves a decorative function. In ancient Egypt, Mantle called uskh. The color and position of the bands on it determines the status of an official. Uskh Pharaoh and his wife was adorned with gold and precious stones. In Russia, Mantle, otherwise called the bartender, was part of the princely attire ....
 Mantle - a embroidered collar, garment covering the shoulders and serves a decorative function. In ancient Egypt, Mantle called uskh. The color and position of the bands on it determines the status of official. Uskh Pharaoh and his wife was adorned with gold and precious stones. In Russia, Mantle, otherwise called the bartender, was part of the princely robes. According to legend, the first winner was Vladimir Monomakh oplech'ya to whom the royal regalia were sent as a gift by the Byzantine emperor. Barma decorated with images of the Saviour, the Virgin, the saints, as well as gold and precious stones. Starting with the anointing of the kingdom of Ivan IV and the beginning of the XVIII century bartenders, as Monomakh, were placed on the monarch's coronation at. Under Peter I the royal regalia steel porphyry (mantle) and the imperial crown. Currently oplech'e called woven, knitted or woven beaded necklace wide, decorated clothes.