Flower horoscope. September 2007

 Life colors, as well as people exposed to certain cyclic change and influence on the life of many different factors. One of the factors - the stars and planets. Man can not live without plants, and in many ways his life is determined by the interaction with the flora. September - the beginning of autumn, and it can not affect a certain way on our daily lives.

General recommendations for all zodiac signs: be careful with unfamiliar plants for you and try to put his workplace as many indoor plants - they will make your day relaxed and less tense. In women with flowers, as you know, a special relationship, because the best gift for any woman - this is the flowers. For different signs of the zodiac influence different colors, and in September it is as follows.

Aries stars recommend to spend more time in such colors as roses. Their unique flavor relieve you from depression and prevent its occurrence. Hint to your missus that would like to receive as a gift a bouquet of roses (or even one).

TaurusDo not forget to take care of plants (for all without exception). Home colors this week have a special positive energy - with proper care they will keep in your house peace and comfort. Ask your children to help you in taking care of flowers - this can have a positive impact on their health.

Gemini, We advise you to leave for a while your urban affairs, even the most urgent, and go on nature, it is better as a family. Wild plants and flowers are the best way to promote your proper rest and distract you from unpleasant obsessive thoughts.

CancersYou to raise the tone and mood of the stars recommend communication with the flower, as the rose. Daffodils can decorate your home and look after them as carefully as possible. Narcissus save you from problems with insomnia and provide you with a strong and healthy sleep. Dreams will be bright and full of lurking sense.

Lions (Or rather, Lionesses), if you are on this week somewhere on vacation, do not take the time and go to a local botanical garden. The aura of exotic flowers and herbs Overseas clearly goes in your favor. After visiting the garden will make your stay particularly successful and complete.

VirginYou skies this week is not very close advised to deal with whatever it was plants, especially if they are not fragrant freshness. Spend your free time is better as far as possible away from the flora. We recommend to send all the power you have to achieve planned results in the workplace.

LibraFor your well-being and success in the financial affairs of the stars are advised to intensify your care such unpresentable members of the plant kingdom as cacti. Sharp thorns cactus this week will scare away all kinds of bankruptcy and financial bad luck, and, on the contrary, to bring to you a financial success.

Scorpions, How long have you received as a gift a stunning in its beauty as the flower orchid? If so, try to correct the existing situation available to you methods. Buy finally themselves, loved this flower. Orchid in late August will provide you particularly beneficial effect in all respects.

SagittariansFor success in the personal arena this week, you are advised to heaven more than usual care for such a little moody houseplant as azalea. Rhododendron (Azalea another name) with its bright beautiful flowers will contribute to your physical and spiritual health, and will protect you from the ravages of stress in the workplace.

CapricornsIf you are lucky enough this week to receive a gift from your boyfriend ROSC
oshny bouquet of white chrysanthemums, you incredibly lucky. White chrysanthemums it this week for you, Capricorn, will be charged with positive energy creation and creativity. In addition, you will be able with great success to make new friends and keep the old friendship.

Aquarians, A blessing in disguise - if your young man this week does not give you any flowers, you are able to decorate your house plants by what you want. Stars advise you to buy some roses and place them in the center of the table. Lilies will contribute to the pacification of the family, as well as bring into your home calm and well-being.

FishYou recommend heaven decorate your bedroom colors balsam. Impatiens, Pisces, will bring success in the intimate side of your life and make your nights passionate, full of bliss and tenderness. These inconspicuous-looking flowers also provide you with your spouse this week full understanding and intimacy.

Tags: September