Fashion horoscope. September

 Who and what events are waiting for the first month of autumn? That foretell us the stars? Some of the changes we are waiting for someone long-awaited peace, and someone just all happy and not afraid of change, or silence. And if this is important if we are properly dressed for the occasion? Let's see, the situations in which we see the stars, and that it advised us to wear.  

Aries. 21.03 - 20.04

If you beg month were strongly passionate about their work, in this you are obsessed with it. You can not, and do not want to think about something else. Of course, not all of your environment this is quite ... Friends and wife feel abandoned. But they still manage to drag you to a party or an important birthday best friend, even if it means they will have to kidnap you from the workplace, finding vrasploh.No catch Aries surprise is not so easy!

In the next day instead of lunch break take a quick shopping, buy a bright tight pants punk, and hang them in his office.
Later, when you require from the office to come to the restaurant, you can wear these pants with his business jacket and will look important and unusual. And if the hand is even and a necklace from a variety of chains - the image is complete.

Taurus. 21.04 - 21.05

All the signs of the zodiac now September, and only Taurus - March. Feeling gives you a second spring, of course, love. Is this a new novel or update already existing relations - does not matter; the important thing is that this story will surely be Happy End. In fact, to this happy ending or beginning of a new happiness to you and to be prepared. Highlight one day off and go in search of a cocktail dress. It is best to choose something that reflects your inner state of lightness and euphoria. Yes, you read that right, you make an offer!

And what you will offer, only you know yourself - hand and heart, the keys to a new apartment or a romantic trip on the edge of the world ...

Twins. 22.05 - 21.06

Your status is "I do not know what to grab," which left you a legacy of the last month of summer, continues. In a sense, you yourself have painted themselves into a state of repeating myself, "I should." By the end of September, you still understand that it is not so you all should. Relatives are quite capable to deal with their concerns themselves, and vying for your attention Knights can finish a match without you. How Come? Quite simply, all these little things, stretching for your train of summer does not really interest you. You no longer need anyone's approval or participation. You have already decided everything, all the fears of transition is complete and you know exactly what and how you want to do.

Therefore, most likely, you buy not absolutely necessary for the wardrobe, but very necessary to your heart sandals and go to the theater or opera alone, hiding from her admirer that second ticket, you also have ...

Crayfish. 22.06 - 23.07

Most of the time you will be absorbed by the family affairs and concerns. Most require your attention the younger members of the family - younger sister or brother, newborn children.
Home care, though pleasant, but still tedious. Therefore, use the warm days of September and dedicate their country holiday. This means that going shopping in the first place you should find a comfortable thing. One convenience for your wardrobe, as you know, is not enough, so you will look more and something very important.

Star offers you to buy a soft cardigan, not without a certain chic.

Leo. 24.07 - 23.08

In September you fully understand what it means saying "Learn, learn and learn again." Your ideas requires that you have acquired new skills. So do not hesitate, in some way you will go back to the first class. Catch you often will be in a bookstore or library for a day you will carry huge volumes, notebooks with notes, notebook and a pencil case with colored markers. Yes, that's right, so you have to buy a big bag, because the entire burden of the old no longer stand.

By the way, buying a bag, choose himself more and makeup, as books, stained with lipstick, difficult to put into a library, despite the fact that the art of making innocent eyes you speak perfectly. Eyes better not build librarians, and nice neighbors in the reading room ... Well, you understand))

Virgo. 24.08 - 21.09

Luck is on your side, and all your ideas to fruition. You are so passionate about operational issues that some have forgotten about romance. And the stars will remind you about it. Starting from the second week of September wait any unexpected behavior and romantic surprises from your lover, or a new meeting. Do you want to prepare for this? Of course, you want to!

Then run to the shopping! All you need - a nice and very original plate.Takoe, so it could be for one evening to get around all the clubs, a restaurant and see the sunrise on the waterfront.

Libra. 22.09 - 23.10

You are completely self-absorbed. You just do not notice what is happening around you, the most interesting for you now inside. Without attention and remained friends, and family, and about his favorite lyubimyy.No you still remember at the end of the month, and the reason is very mercenary. You will notice that your wallet is empty, and the place in the locker room still left)) The problem is solved very simply - prepare dinner with all the put attributes, including scented candles, and complaints that have nothing to wear, to serve dessert. Stars ensure that dinner will end in your favor.

In general, you have a month of gifts, and you really need a coat!

Scorpio. 24.10 - 22.11

I wonder if the stars know how to blush? Even if you do not know how, then this month, just learn by looking at Skorpionov.Pochemu? Most likely because the clothes in this month you almost do not need .... finally realized that all control is unrealistic, you give to chance. And all the randomness of this month will simply stunning.
One way or another, and most of September you will spend in bed, no clothes and no one ...

To at least some of the time dressed to spend, buy a set of beautiful clothes. You'd better choose his next weekend - then just do not have time.
And by the way, choosing clothes, not very morochte his head on the topic "Is it like him" - the stars do not guarantee that it will be he ... perhaps this will be it ...

Sagittarius. 23.11 - 21.12

Do you want to have more money? Of course, you want to! Star remind you that it is appropriate to raise the issue at work to increase your fee, you deserve it. As soon decide this question, tear away from your desk and computer for at least one day and just walking around the city, take the time to family and friends.

Shopping at you most likely do not have to choose a gift itself, but a close friend or relative. The stars are advised to pay attention to something classic and cute.

Capricorn. 22.12 - 19.01

In September, you have a chance to be seen or even be zvezdoy.Shodite on any casting, even if it is outside the scope of your professional sphere. You can go to record a talk show or a concert, which will be shot for television. The camera should you notice. If your ambitions are not directed toward the red carpet, then join the discussion on interesting topics for you to work or school - you definitely notice and remember. And in any case, it will bring you dividends.

And, of course, that if we are talking about your public statement, it is necessary to consider and appearance. The best option would be not something catchy and bright, but something more classic and elegant.

Aquarius. 20.01 - 19.02

Stars seems that you are "hooked" on spirituality. Long contemplation of landscapes, talk to 5 am on esoteric topics, cinema "not for everyone" and other interesting things you took a whole.
But it's time to go back to reality! Neither spiritual essence can not solve the current issues for you to work. So, apparently, in September Your mantra will sound like this: "I love my job, I love my job, I love my job" ... And if you do not like something, change it, and will find the meaning of the mantra.

Going on shopping, you will have an effort to deviate from your favorite shop with exotic stuff. And to urgently establish a working feng shui, buy a business suit.
Well, at least a jacket.

Fish. 20.02 - 20.03

Stormy waters you, Fish, will be provided. So the tail and fins have to work at full power, otherwise will make the shore. On the shore, too bad, but if the fish is ready to grow legs? And the main question, but is it the beach? You certainly understand what was going on, but before you decide, once again consider whether to leave for the sake of the shore, where there is no and will not be stability? What decision would you have not, and stability in September will not be in any way. The best option for the purchase of Pisces this month will be scuba and life raft, but the stars are not so hard on you.

At the end of the month the situation around you become more relaxed, but the storm is still planned. In the glass. Yes, you have to visit countless parties in the last ten days of September. So prepare.

The best option to buy - a bright top to jeans to a feast, and in the world, if the rapid course of your life, do not give time for dressing))

Tags: September