
 Spindle - tool for hand spinning yarn from the fiber, its mandatory elements - the rod and load. Spindle is known for more than twenty thousand years, in the mythology of many nations its rotation with a thread symbolizes a period of time. Russian spindle made from the wood turning. From one end pointed, the other located groove for fixing ...
 Spindle - tool for hand spinning yarn from the fiber, its mandatory elements - the rod and load. Spindle is known for more than twenty thousand years, in the mythology of many nations its rotation with a thread symbolizes a period of time. Russian spindle made from the wood turning. From one end pointed, the other are the groove to secure the thread and load. During operation, the spindle is set to thickened end support, right hand unwinds at the sharp end. Rotation is supported by the fingers of the right hand. The reference method is suitable for any spinning yarn.

German spindle during operation is in limbo, is on the upper end of the hook to lock the thread and weighting disk. Location at the top of the cargo is also characteristic for the ancient Egyptian spindles. They are suitable for spinning fine and medium-sized fibers. The load in the middle part is used in small and light Veretentsev Indonesia for spinning very fine cotton and silk thread.