
 Kevlar 49 - the basis of Kevlar fabric. Kevlar - an artificial high-strength material, an open group of American scientists in 1963. Kevlar is an organic material, an aromatic aramid, nylon belonging to the family. Was originally developed for use in car tires instead of steel, but is widespread in the manufacture of cables, fixtures, fiber optic cables, body armor, items ...
 Kevlar 49 - the basis of Kevlar fabric. Kevlar - an artificial high-strength material, an open group of American scientists in 1963. Kevlar is an organic material, an aromatic aramid, nylon belonging to the family. Was originally developed for use in car tires instead of steel, but is widespread in the manufacture of cables, fixtures, fiber optic cables, bullet-proof vests, uniforms and items of personal protective equipment, to strengthen the joints with shipbuilding. Depending on the application also distinguish Kevlar 29 and Kevlar 149.