
 Szabo - special trim neck and front zipper shirts, blouses, dresses in the form of fine lace ruffles or frills. Initially, in the 50s of the XVII century, jabot was an attribute of the male costume. In the XIX century, this piece men's shirts, framing the top notch on both sides of the chin of a tie, served as a collar. In ...
 Szabo - special trim neck and front zipper shirts, blouses, dresses in the form of fine lace ruffles or frills. Initially, in the 50s of the XVII century, jabot was an attribute of the male costume. In the XIX century, this piece men's shirts, framing the top notch on both sides of the chin of a tie, served as a collar. In the 30-40s of the XIX century frills as elegant and beautiful decoration element confidently entered the women's fashion. The main forms of jabot - lush wave or framing of solid pleated ruffles (in one or more rows), often coming down to the waist.

In Russia as part of the frill dress western European cut it in the XVIII century. In the centuries that followed the fashion for this piece of clothing is faded, then revived. Modern designers often turn to this ancient mind finishing as an attribute of the romantic, retro-style holiday business clothes.