
 Dederon - a kind of polyamide fiber, which is manufactured in the GDR. The word is derived from the abbreviation DDR - Deutsch Demokratishe Republik. Dederonom called and synthetic fibers and fabrics that are made. In the vernacular of the same name, and wore clothing made from this material. From dederona produced underwear, hosiery, women's ...
 Dederon - a kind of polyamide fiber, which is manufactured in the GDR. The word is derived from the abbreviation DDR - Deutsch Demokratishe Republik. Dederonom called and synthetic fibers and fabrics that are made. In the vernacular of the same name, and wore clothing made from this material. From dederona produced underwear, hosiery, women's and men's clothing (T-shirts, tops and blouses) and curtains and other household items. In the Soviet Union especially appreciated the finest tights of these fibers. Like other polyamide materials dederon is simple to clean. He easily erased, quick-drying does not fade and does not burn. However, over time the white cloth may turn yellow.