
 Chaperone - a medieval male headdress, particularly popular in several European countries in the XV century thanks to the influence of fashion, existed at the Burgundian court. Chaperone is a long cape with a hood that fits over the facial hole on the head so that the cape and the narrow end of a long hood hung on both sides. In some ...
 Chaperone - a medieval male headdress, particularly popular in several European countries in the XV century thanks to the influence of fashion, existed at the Burgundian court. Chaperone is a long cape with a hood that fits over the facial hole on the head so that the cape and the narrow end of a long hood hung on both sides. In some cases, cape and hood tied in a knot on his head. There was an option of wearing chaperone, in which one of the edges of the headdress tied on his head, and the other left free to hang around your neck or secured. Chaperone could be wrapped around a wide ribbon that made it look like a turban. By the beginning of the XVI century, this hat went out of fashion.