
 Aksamit - Old Russian name of expensive patterned silk handmade fabric weave complex (Gr. Examitos - «of six strands") gold or silver threads. It brought to Russia from Byzantium. It was a dense, strong and heavy cloth, which had a fuzzy texture and resembles velvet. From Aksamitov sewed coats for princes, nobles, and ...
 Aksamit - Old Russian name of expensive patterned silk handmade fabric weave complex (Gr. Examitos - «of six strands") gold or silver threads. It brought to Russia from Byzantium. It was a dense, strong and heavy cloth, which had a fuzzy texture and resembles velvet. From Aksamitov sewed coats for princes, nobles, and church vestments. Often called Aksamitov any expensive fabric, which had a patterned gold embroidery - brocade, altabas, izorbaf and others. In literature found the use of the term "Aksamit" as a synonym for the word "velvet".