
 Bewitched - hairstyle of long and straight flowing hair. Was named after the eponymous film, in which the main role played by French actress Marina Vlady. The image of the beautiful witch liked the audience, and casually waving mane of hair has become one of the most popular hairstyles 50s. Loose curls and short straight bangs is very ...
 Bewitched - hairstyle of long and straight flowing hair. Was named after the eponymous film, in which the main role played by French actress Marina Vlady. The image of the beautiful witch liked the audience, and casually waving mane of hair has become one of the most popular hairstyles 50s. Loose curls and short straight bangs were very young girls and in good harmony with the fashionable clothes of those years - dresses with fluffy skirts and narrow bodice, white blouse with a neckline and tight-fitting trousers, capris.