Why horoscope always get to the point

 Horoscopes in magazines - it is not astrology. However, they always come to a point. Why is this happening, says social psychologist and linguist Kate Furtman. Interview.

- Many people make fun of horoscopes, however, publish them anywhere. Are horoscopes sell, from which you can safely give up?

- I do not think. Horoscopes by establishing an important communicative contact with the contingent, which is rather atypical for this magazine. Horoscopes encourage and comfort the reader, it receives an acknowledgment, motivation and feeling that his life is someone interesting. He reads the horoscope, although well aware that it does not make up for it in person.

- Why, however, horoscopes anyway always hit the target?

- There are a lot of tricks: the wording like "you have to make a decision, you are waiting for a change, you will have the advantage of" - is a framework that covers all situations. In horoscopes does not meet specific guidelines, there is no such unambiguous predictions like "you're lucky in love." Instead found something vague, for example: "In love, in your professional work things go up the hill." In some ways, this prediction coincides necessarily.

- But that soon you'll meet a lot of love, we have often read - and it's specifics.

- Yes, but what is "soon"? For one, it next week, for another - the next year. And in this case, one can never prove otherwise.

- Are there any some other typical methods?

- Often there are conflicting wording: "You should reflect less and act more." Here formed the mood scale, on which every reader finds his own position. Contradictions in horoscopes quite often. For example, you are given the advice that we should make active use of the chances and opportunities for career advancement, to make demands leadership. On the other hand, it is proposed to be patient, to wait in the conflict, to check all ten times and keep yourself in their hands.

- Is not it a complete mess?

- In fact, we are talking about deterrence, about how to avoid extremes. Themselves horoscope neutral - every man finds in them a place. They have a lot of empty and template definitions and metaphors - "You are on the right track", "Here is a straight road," "You are at a crossroads," "Stop!" - They all leave freedom of action, as the reader may want to try it at home. Also common sayings and common phrases, because they can not be refuted: "Do not put off till tomorrow ..." "Every coin has two sides" - will not go wrong here.

- Then why each example, Aries horoscope interpret in their own way?

- You are absolutely right. Linguistic techniques have universal potential that each individual interprets in his own way. This means that the measure of coincidence with the reality of the horoscope depends on the reader. Psychological studies show that man, if he believes in it, often finds himself in those or other qualities.

- So, what you're saying, not at all like magic star ...

- To some extent, yes. Astrological terms, such as "planet" and "constellation" (position of the stars at birth. - Approx. Ed.) - "Mars is responsible for ..." - appealing to the modern man who is always around and trying to find an explanation. On the other hand, while there is a patina of mystery, and one feels the influence of a higher power.

- The media used the raid mystery to attract readers?

- That's right. Many magazines are paying great attention to design horoscopes. Horoscopes they send their readership signal that motivates her to shop. It is in this annual horoscopes do best: motivation reader clothed them in flattering formulation, for example: "You are attractive and smart, you can all achieve." Most often, this is printed in women's magazines. Women love compliments.

- Whether consciously magazines appeal to its target audience through the horoscope?

- Studies conducted in the English language materials have shown that horoscopes in magazines often addressed specifically to this audience. Horoscope in a glossy magazine will advise readers: "Energize, allow yourself a vacation in wellness hotel!", Because of the magazine and at the same audience. Thus, horoscopes reflect social realities.

- Has the wake of changes in society that have occurred in recent decades, the form feed horoscopes?

- Of course, the earlier formulations have been more conservative, and changed the topic. But astrology as a cultural system - the material separate analysis. The only thing that has not undergone changes, this is the touch of mystery that accompanies horoscopes. Therefore, women are more committed to the belief in the stars.

- It turns out that the horoscope is not for men?

- Various studies show that men are more skeptical about horoscopes. They believe in astrology less than women.

- The fact that men say so, no doubt will not. But few people recognized that likes to go to "McDonald's". However, the speed of the network speak for themselves ...

- This is something there. Of course, the results are based solely on personal statements, and it does not mean that it is true. However, psychological studies argue in favor of the fact that men are more oriented to the samples. And this is proved.

- You personally do not believe in horoscopes. But whether you are reading at least some of them?

- Yes, and regularly. Even if you do not take into account the scientific interest - I like it, if I find proof of principle discovered by me as a result of my research. In addition, I am constantly in shape and is open to improvement.

- I Sagittarius. It is because of a horoscope, I learned that my partner, with whom we have been living for 10 years, does not suit me because it Fish. But I do fundamentally disagree.

- Maybe you're not a typical Sagittarius. Or your partner - not your typical fish. There are many other constellations, for example, the position of the moon or astsedent (the zodiacal sign, which at the time of the test events ascended above the horizon. - Approx. Ed.) That affect compatibility. And they are not counted in the horoscopes published in the media.

- Then the horoscope in the media - is "not real" horoscopes?

- Horoscopes by the media - the so-called vulgar horoscope ...

- I'm sorry, did you say "vulgar"?

- This is their official name (from the Latin. Vulgaris - "easy", "ordinary." - Comm. Ed.). Horoscopes, published in the media - it is not astrology. Many do not know. These horoscopes are limited only by sun sign, ie the sign of the zodiac. Serious astrology also takes into account the time and place of birth. Coffee horoscope, guided only by the trend dictated by sun sign.

- It turns out that these "vulgar horoscope" not prepared astrologers?

- Only a certain extent. For the most part the horoscope drawn up in media agencies, which, in turn, attract astrologers. Astrologers provide them with the raw data, the agency of their creative process and sent to the media.

- You disappoint me. It is somehow undignified.

- That's the thing. Some media as signs also use the names of famous astrologers, such as Erich Bauer or Winfred Noe, thereby to emphasize the seriousness of their horoscopes. However, many did not cite sources.

- Probably for good reason. We often hear that the horoscopes work part time secretary ...

-... Or trainees, such cases are known to me. Theoretically, they can get their predictions in the goal, but practically I do not know of any such coincidence. However, many media outlets prefer to spend more money on more serious sources to such rumors simply did not arise.

// Inosmi

Tags: point horoscope