What is the blood - and a love

What is the blood - and a love
 It is fashionable to live, looking not only at your zodiac sign, but also on the blood group. There is blood group diet, methods of treatment of diseases and even a system that allows to find love. Blood has a definite influence on the person's character and behavior, therefore, we can understand what to expect from a partner.

Thus, the owners of the first group of blood - this conquerors and hunters. They are active, go ahead and love to achieve his goal at all costs. A man with first blood nothing can dissuade their own right and irresistible. If you are denied it, do not expect that this will end your relationship, chances are it will haunt you as long as you get the desired. Sex, by the way, for the holders of the first group of blood, constant compulsive need, so be prepared for a constant struggle and a serious defense.

The second group of blood - almost the exact opposite of the first one. Such men are calm and balanced and will ohmuryat object of his passion for a long time and thoroughly. They are wonderful boyfriend, but sometimes women get tired of their over-correct and complete lack of initiative. While the men of the second group of blood ideal husbands. They are caring, affectionate and reliable - exactly what a woman needs.

Men who are lucky enough to be born with a third group of blood, calm and reasonable and for the first time give the impression of a completely perfect beings. This man loves to hang out, loves to chat and considerate in bed, but without it he is quite able to do. Disclaimer women do not act upon it as something embarrassingly, he can find more interesting leisure facilities and well aware of this. Such a man is quite able to leave without saying goodbye, if the partner he was tired, but can also quickly go back - in this sense it is unpredictable.

Well, and, finally, a man with a fourth blood group. The most mysterious and controversial, but because of this, and the most enticing and interesting. Love for this man - the abyss of the unknown and beautiful. If you fall in love with him, he does everything to captivate and capture their prey trap from which escape is almost impossible. Love game for such a man - a thin farce, original and unusual idea. You'll never be bored with him. But if such a man in love with himself, he completely loses his head and dives into the pool, often poorly understood, what awaits him in the future. Men with fourth blood group - nature is very complex and contradictory, but in love they can find you.

What man would not come your way, remember that any rule there are always exceptions. Do not rush to judge his chosen solely on its blood group, because the character and temperament of a variety of different form factors and the composition of blood cells - only the original component. Try to take a person the way you see it, but in this case you will be able to understand what it is all about.

Tags: blood, character, artist, attitude, love