The impact of past and future. The principle of simultaneity

The impact of past and future. The principle of simultaneity
 The concept of "time" has not been studied and is very difficult to understand. Time is elusive and paradoxical. Seeing a subject, it is impossible to determine exactly what is - past, present, or future. After all, there is no past, present, fleeting, and the future yet.

Augustine created the concept of the psychological perception of the time and said that the future of our lives because of the hope and the past - our memory. No future, no past does not really exist, really only the present. It is fluid and elusive. People do not have time to look around, they have to think about the past or hope for the future.

Everyone remembers the past, and some can even see the future - this is due to the ability of clairvoyance. Characterized by a long time. It originates from the creation of the world. Only eternity has no past and no future. It just is.

The problem of the past and the future is that currently exists psychological field includes representations of the person about his past and future. People not only see themselves in the present tense. They also have certain desires, dreams and expectations about the future. Often human notions of the past are wrong, but it does not affect the creation of their living space reality of the past. For the past include the level of desire and psychological future with hopes and plans.

Positive mental attitude - the key to positive change for the future. Adhering to the principle of simultaneity, thoughts about the future and the past, a significant impact on a person's behavior in the present. So thoughts about the bright future can help him to overcome the difficulties of the present. For example, the suffering of the prisoner release facilitates expectation in this regard, it is easier to tolerate all the troubles of the present situation, but at the same time, the errors of the past overshadow his present.

Currently includes psychological and psychological future past. This is called a temporal perspective. Existing at a given time perspective affects mood, level of aspiration, initiative and creativity of the person. It is constantly changing. We need to understand that the future of psychological and psychological past are simultaneously a part of the psychological field that exists in the present. Following field theory, the behavior of any person depends on the entire field of the moment, including a time perspective.

Tags: future, past, present, the impact, the principle of hope, simultaneity