
 Surcoat (also syurkot, from the French. Surcot - outerwear) - outerwear in the Middle Ages, originally cloak Amice free cut below the knee length sleeveless and usually decorated with the emblem on the back. Surcoat worn by knights over the chainmail she guarded her from the heat in the bright sun. In addition, these raincoats ...
 Surcoat (also syurkot, from the French. Surcot - outerwear) - outerwear in the Middle Ages, originally cloak Amice free cut below the knee length sleeveless and usually decorated with the emblem on the back. Surcoat worn by knights over the chainmail she guarded her from the heat in the bright sun. In addition, these cloaks and protected in bad weather, a refuge from the rain. Subsequently, there were both male and female surcot (male - short, women - long) that have different styles and were made of different materials. Know wore a surcoat trimmed with fur neckline. Most often used ermine.