Spirituality: the doctrine that is hidden

Spirituality: the doctrine that is hidden
 Esoteric - secret teachings available only to initiates. A striking example of this is the Jewish teachings of Kabbalah. Ancient esoteric knowledge - a centuries-old folk wisdom, a way of life and cognition itself.  

Esoteric (from the Greek "hidden", "inner") - this teaching, which is a body of knowledge to be used solely for the dedicated people who are required to carry this secret to myself and do not have the right to distribute it outside of its knowledge. Teaching consists of knowledge that have been accumulating for centuries and passed down from generation to generation. The object of study of esotericism are processes occurring in the universe, which are reflected in the depths of the human soul.

Spirituality - is the knowledge of the world and of life, human cognition by himself. The true meaning of it is that the mystery that bears every person belongs only to him.

The emergence of the term refers to the Hellenistic era (4-3 century BC.). Finally he settled down after World War II, replacing such similar in value concepts as hermeticism and the occult. From a philosophical perspective, all three terms refer to a certain view of the world, suggesting that the unknown demands the respect and strictly scientific approach.

Among the fundamental theses can be called esoteric criticism of everyday life and culture, belief in the existence of a different reality, which is considered a genuine recognition of the importance of the development of various psychological techniques. The ultimate goal of esoteric rituals is getting into the real world of his teachings.

Way of deciphering the mysteries of the life of the individual in esoteric astrology is linking cosmic and psychological factors. Esoteric psihopraktik preserved in some mystical traditions, it uses a limited number of adepts in Sufism within Islam, Taoism neydane inside and yoga in the Indian tradition. Esoteric systems (schools) are present in a number of Eastern religions and different from western his mature wisdom and practicality of life.

Nowadays, my attitude to information dramatically increases the number of different exercises and schools. Published data set of exoteric, then spirituality becomes Exotericism, which in Greek means "explicit knowledge".

Tags: practices, knowledge, spirituality, doctrine