Prophetic dreams and reality

Prophetic dreams and reality
The contradiction between the development of modern science and the phenomenon of prophetic dreams deepens. In ancient times, people just trying to unravel the meaning of all the images that come to him in a dream, where they come from. Sometimes waking up, you can not immediately understand where you are, is heavily influenced by plausible dreams.

Our ancestors saw in some dreams of deceased relatives, so believe in the spirit world, who want to prevent the living of certain events.

In the understanding of modern man prophetic dreams reveal the storyline of the future situation. Dreams are always ambiguous interpretation can warn you of danger or portend a happy event. Some people believe that the power of man to make some adjustments in the course of events, guessing the value of the prophetic dream.

Even the interpreters of dreams agree that not every dream is necessary to adopt as a prophetic, especially when in reality reproduced some of the details of the incident. Sleep, which can be called prophetic, as accurately as possible programs your behavior in a given situation. You can not adjust themselves to any action on what they see one image. If you dream you saw a mouse, and in the dream book is deciphered as the upcoming purchase, thus programmed myself to go shopping, although this part of sleep did not serve a meaningful occasion for such a decision.

Full prophetic dream dreams rarely - an exceptional phenomenon. All other dreams you are personally reclassified as prophetic, primitive adjusting to reality Gone are the images and status.

In modern magical circles it is considered that the interpreter prophetic dreams requires talent, like a painter, poet and sorcerer. Because for accurate decoding is often lacking inspiration. In this case, referred to Dmitri Mendeleev, who saw in a dream first periodic table of chemical elements. Science explains this by saying that scientists long thought only about this issue, concentrating on the system, all thought processes, so that even during sleep, the brain continues to scan their own thoughts. It is possible that the table Mendeleev invented during sleep, but I was too tired.

Interpreters of dreams Beware inhabitants of dreams sibling that show your desire, devoid of the opportunity to realize. Such dreams do not carry information predictive nature. This is an imprint that you strongly want detained in the department of short memory. So the brain during sleep is cleared of emotional debris.

Psychologists will tell you that dream - a kind of psychoanalysis, so falling asleep, consider passing day and to draw conclusions from unpleasant situations.

Tags:dream a reality, the interpretation of