Pistachio color

Pistachio color
 Pistachio is called a light green color, echoing the color of the fruit of the pistachio tree kernels. Closest to him shade of green - lime. Invigorating and at the same time delicate pistachio color can often be seen on the catwalks, especially in the summer and spring collections. For example, in 2012 he became one of the favorites of designers ...
 Pistachio is called a light green color, echoing the color of the fruit of the pistachio tree kernels. Closest to him shade of green - lime. Invigorating and at the same time delicate pistachio color can often be seen on the catwalks, especially in the summer and spring collections. For example, in 2012 he became one of the favorites of designers fashion houses Christian Dior and Louis Vuitton. Suitable pistachio almost everyone, except, perhaps, only the owners of very light skin. Combined with pistachio color like pastel shades (beige, cream, peach) and deep tones (purple, burgundy, blue).