
 Muslin - thin and sparse, semi-transparent cotton fabric melkouzorchatogo weave. Came into vogue in the XIX century and was used for sewing light elegant women's dresses, blouses, scarves and capes. The term "prim young lady" arose precisely because of the popularity of the matter among young girls. In the beginning of the century was fashionable white muslin -...
 Muslin - thin and sparse, semi-transparent cotton fabric melkouzorchatogo weave. Came into vogue in the XIX century and was used for sewing light elegant women's dresses, blouses, scarves and capes. The term "prim young lady" arose precisely because of the popularity of the matter among young girls. In the beginning of the century was fashionable white muslin - she wore a dress of blue or pink on the satin covers. Later they began to demand printed and colored plain dyed muslin matter. Today, of this fabric sew fancy blouses, shawls, scarves and stoles.