Moon in Aries favors "Italian passion" in the family - Nezlobnaya outbreaks of strife and tumult of sexual reconciliation. Just do not got carried away and have not developed an artistic quarrel in a serious scandal!
When the Moon enters the sign of Taurus, to take an active and learn cooking tasty feed her husband. Do not spare money for better food for her Blessed - that you strengthen your family happiness. If there is no time for Cooking delights, invite her husband in a cafe and feed various goodies.
Moon in Gemini does not allow their wives to talk to her husband about the financial problems - this will result in a serious quarrel! Find pleasing to both topics of conversation - common hobbies, fond memories of the beginning of your novel and similar topics, everything except money.
Moon entered the sign of Cancer and aggravated women's intuition - it now you do not hide. Luna liberate your brain centers responsible for flair and you unravel the secrets of her husband! The main thing to understand, and if you need it?
Leo Day - it is hard for women day. The men in this day regard themselves as the true "kings of beasts" - patriarchy is provided to you today. Having endured this period, with humor, and it will pass!
Moon in Virgo, oddly enough, is not romantic period. On this day you will be weighed down each other's company, accusing it of tedium and boredom. Not venturing joint campaigns, wherever that may be, it you keep the peace in the family.
Enters the sign of Libra, Moon makes men particularly susceptible to female beauty, so bring myself up - do hair, beautiful makeup, wear a sexy outfit. Everything to be harmonious, clean up the house, organize a candlelight dinner!
Talk with her husband about family values, about your ideas about family structure and arrangement of family life. Moon in Scorpio promotes mutual understanding, on this day you have a chance to make the most of these conversations.
Day of the Moon in Sagittarius held under the sign of "husband" - praise it, remember all his victories, achievements and merits. This day is suitable for self-assertion and your husband is no exception. Feeling the most intelligent, strong and reliable, it may indeed become so!
Submit husband to the store today quite safely - he will cope with all the shopping, do not break the eggs and not get lost in a shopping mall, this contributes to the Moon in Capricorn. Just make sure that in the way he did not come across shops auto parts and fishing accessories.
Buy tonight a good bottle of wine and drink it with my husband for dinner - Today the Moon is in Aquarius! Of course, this is only useful for those who are not husband is an alcoholic binge.
All men's work that has accumulated over a long period of her husband's "do-nothing", will be made today, when the moon wandered into Pisces. True approach to this work will be purely creative!
As you can see, the lunar horoscope is a lot of useful information, use it in a timely manner and your family life will be cloudless.