Mascots of rock crystal

Mascots of rock crystal
 Rhinestone - is a colorless crystals, transparent quartz. He is endowed with amazing magical and healing properties. This mineral is often mentioned in the Bible. In biblical ancient times for transparency and purity he valued more than gold. In ancient times believed that the astral rhinestone leather planet, it transmits and receives signals universe. Therefore, many soothsayers, sorcerers used balls made of rock crystal.  

Rock crystal (quartz) has healing properties. It is used in folk medicine. If you make it a water filter or water to insist on a powder of rock quartz (crystal), it will give your skin a fresh look will help get rid of acne.

If you drink from a crystal bowl, then you will not know toothache. In ancient times, rock crystal treated wounds, diseases of the eye, heart, gallbladder, stomach. It was used during childbirth, as well as to increase lactation in nursing mothers.

This mineral gives us strength, vigor. From it has long been doing talismans, amulets. Mascots of rock crystal to help his master clear and easily express their thoughts, draw the right conclusions from the lessons that life has presented attract love, luck, joy of life, peace of mind, luck and prosperity. Well if rhinestone you will be wearing a silk bag in his pocket, then he will save you from trouble. But men need to wear the right pocket, left pocket is better to wear women. You can make a rock crystal pendant or necklace. If rhinestone inserted into a cross, you get a very powerful amulet.

Buy mascot with rock crystal need on the 20th day of the lunar calendar. Recommend to wear Virgo and Gemini, but Libra and Scorpio to buy it should not be.

It is believed that this mineral improves memory, it may be useful to students during the session.

If you want to have in your house has a favorable energy, hang charms of rock crystal in the window, or purchase a chandelier of this mineral, but do not put it over the bed.

At the moment of this mineral can buy pyramid, which are used in energolechenii certain diseases, including impotence. Use pyramids and meditation. If the stone is put under the pillow he get rid of insomnia, nightmares.

It is believed that rock crystal - a conductor, but magic can be used by only a very experienced magicians.

Tags: crystal talisman property