Magical significance perfumes and fragrances

Magical significance perfumes and fragrances
 Odor is one of the most effective means of changing human consciousness. They can sharpen your inner perception of the activity around you spirits. There are many scents to create a mood, adjusts to the desired fashion and even engender feelings.

What flavors tuned to a peace footing, and which give birth to a half-turn?


In perfume stores usually smell "edible" aromas: nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla, coffee, sweet pastries - smells, giving joy and thought-relax and forget about everything. These tricks you are not visible, but they accurately act on your subconscious mind, and you are more willing to open wallets. Involuntarily your preference in the selection will be made on the flavor of the oils, scented candles and perfumes that contain these ingredients. Play an enormous role associations that awaken in you smell.


Directly related to the efficiency of those around you smells. Avicenna wrote at the time that with the aroma of rose oil it is better to focus, and it increases mental activity. Byron, the English poet, used for these purposes aroma of truffles! Improve mood peach, pear, apple, raspberry, almond, nutmeg, vanilla, cinnamon.

In toned hold: pink pepper, peppermint, clove, oregano, basil, citrus. Help focus cedar, juniper, eucalyptus, fir, pine, rosemary, lemongrass, bitter orange, lemon. Remove stress: chamomile, myrrh, frankincense, tea tree, lemon balm, lavender.


According to psychologists, there are rules that work regardless of your desires. Erotic desire of women and men reinforce the aromas of sandalwood, musk, rose, jasmine, ylang-ylang, amber, neroli, patchouli.


Force at zero, does not open a second wind, and the fifth cup of coffee does not help, come to the aid of citrus flavors. Oil of bergamot, orange, grapefruit, lemon tone is stronger than any of strong tea. They will remove fatigue, boost of energy, stimulate the nervous system. Just act marjoram, basil and clove.


Odors are not only positive emotions, but they can ward off and even cause a feeling of fear and calm the raging people. For example, the aroma of geranium improves mood and suppresses the feeling of fear.


At the spa, often fragrant lavender. This is because it relieves stress and calms our nervous system. Therefore, keep on hand a bottle of lavender oil or lemon balm does not hurt. After a couple of breaths, you can safely go to a meeting, subdivided calm you provided.

Tags: oil, spirit, value, flavor