How to remember dreams

How to remember dreams
 While a person sleeps, his brain has time to change a few modes of activity. The most important of these phases nocturnal activity of the brain is the so-called "paradoxical" or REM sleep. At this time, the brain is active as well as for solving complex problems in the waking state.
 Various studies suggest that REM sleep subconscious decides to various psychological or mental problems that consciousness is not coped day. Therefore, the ability to store and analyze dreams you might find useful. Among the scholars are of the opinion that dreams can see everything, just not all of them memorable. How can develop the ability to remember them? There are a few simple and reliable methods.

Before going to bed, remind yourself several times that you want to remember everything you dreamed. Put beside the bed a piece of paper and a pen or even a device with a voice recorder to capture the morning to catch fleeting images. Better not wake up alarm clock: these "rough" methods for awakening to startle fragile memories of nocturnal dreams. Upon awakening do not hurry up, on the contrary, stay for a while with his eyes closed, and without changing the position of the body, try to restore the paintings of dreams. Without being distracted by extraneous sounds, smells and objects, write down what you had to remember. If there is no clear memories, secure association or thoughts that first came into your head after you wake up. Perhaps this will help you understand what prompts using your subconscious dreams.

Try also share content seen loved ones or your doctor. Detailed story can help restore details of the dream.

Try to wake up at night sometimes. To do this before you go to bed, drink plenty of water. Some also advise each week to change the direction in which you sleep, ie hold the headboard where once rested legs.

And of course, important to sleep. Go early to rest and sleep a little longer: only a healthy and sound sleep can help your subconscious mind to solve complex issues that do not give you peace of mind during the day.

Tags: dream