How to learn to see the aura

How to learn to see the aura
 Aura is the human energy field that extends beyond the body. By the size of the aura can determine the physical and psychological condition, and the color is determined by the character and inclinations. The ability to see such a field can be developed using a variety of exercises.
 To see the aura, you need to stand in front of a homogeneous black surface. Set the hand palm in front of him, stand in front of the background. Extend your fingers and look between them, do not blink. After a few seconds you will see a special haze around the fingers. If you're still looking at the same point, you will notice that the glow will start to show more clearly. Move your hand and you will notice that the aura moves with his hand.

Put your partner on the background color wall, if necessary, you can hang a matte screen. Try to focus the mind on the space around the head and shoulders partner. Let the person starts to wobble, and gradually you will start seeing some distortion of the background around the head and body.

At the beginning of training aura is a colorless, thin and not always noticeable, but over time will begin to take a smoke color, and you can already find thoughts and mental state of the person. If the radiation is black, then the person is full of a sense of envy or has evil thoughts. Gray - melancholy and depression, and brown - the color of pride. Scarlet highlighted people having sexual intentions, red - the people, the strong will. Pink - a sign of softness, orange - openness, yellow - the ability to communicate. Blue symbolizes some thoughtfulness or a bad mood, and silver color burn people with a healthy and stable psyche. The value may be different colors. You can create your list of colors based on your own observations.

Do not stop in their training, look at the passers-by, to examine plants and animals. Need to engage on a regular basis, at least one hour a day. You can always develop their abilities and in a short time to master the skill of seeing auras, which is enjoyed by all people, but few of his perfection.

Tags: exercise aura