How to determine the auspicious day

How to determine the auspicious day
 Know in advance their fate no one can, because even psychics and fortune tellers leave room possible change in the life of the script. But some some simple steps allow to calculate the auspicious and good days for each sign of the zodiac.
 Look horoscope for the current week. Almost every print publication, ranging from conventional newspapers with television programs and ending specialized literature, provides a brief outlook of events waiting to each of the twelve signs of the zodiac, as well as a list of good and bad days.

Get a monthly publication, if you want to know more accurate prediction, describing the course of events for a particular zodiac sign for the next month. There you can read indicate which days of the month is little hope of success, and to take active steps to achieve it. Please note that in some printed editions contain very specific descriptions of the areas in which you can expect good luck (for example: work, family, health, loving relationships).

Buy special astrological calendars. In addition to the above information, they contain a lot more information, recommendations about your behavior in a given situation, predicting the results of your work, depending on the decision. For example, you can read what you would expect with the cooperation with a particular zodiac sign or what the results will be shopping on a certain day of the week of the current month.

Follow the instructions knowledgeable professional, if you want to define their own auspicious days. Such instructions can be found on astrological sites (eg,, as well as in bookstores on the shelves with the literature on astrology. You do not need to do complex calculations. It is only important to know the location of the moon for each of the current day (can learn on specialized sites, and read in newspapers and magazines in the "horoscope"). Understand the only rule: match position of the moon with the sign of your element portends a good day.

Use another rule: the day will be favorable if the Moon is in you a kindred elements. For a Fire element is Air, and Water - Earth.

Tags: moon horoscope