How to choose a guardian

How to choose a guardian
 Modern man is prone to large stress conditions at work, his mind suffers from contact with are not always helpful business partners. Health is deteriorating from inactivity, the negative impact of impaired environment. This creates a flow of negative thoughts that people unconsciously communicate. They help protect against charms.
 Charms can be many things, whether it be a river pebble, or by someone pendant, a family heirloom in the form of rings, souvenir or soft toy - the main thing that it was not made by your hands. Do for you amulet can someone else (preferably a close relative), but only as they wish, rather than at your request. And if this thing will you prefer, will draw to itself, then it will be very effective, because we do not choose charms, and they us.

Most amulet can be done to the house for the whole family. For example, torn between the maximum force, a sprig of hawthorn, milk thistle or a small bunch of Hypericum place over the entrance to the house or under the threshold - they will protect against various evils and evil. Make your own hands rag or a straw doll, embroidered with her natural yarns, put into it a part of his soul, and it will also protect your family.

Think of the prayers: Read with enthusiasm and faith, they work as a very powerful amulets. There are prayers for different occasions, they can recite before all cases, the main thing - to believe in their power, that you open yourself to the necessary assistance. One of the most powerful prayers is "Our Father", with it you will not be gone, will be protected from the evil eye and spoilage, just do not say it mechanically, for show.

Powerful amulets are gems, stone can be framed in a piece of jewelry, you can just wear it in a linen bag. He does not have to come to you on a horoscope, the main thing here is your warm attitude towards it, because the stones accumulate and retain information. Just as good in this respect different figures idols made of natural stone.

Talisman is considered a money tree with coins on the branches, the tree of happiness with semi-precious gemstones, amber itself or in a silver frame. Pendant in the form of an animal or bird figurines made of silver on your neck can also serve as a talisman. As you can see, one of the important conditions for a good talisman - a naturally occurring material from which it is made, or what it is intact, such as a beautiful beach pebble.

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