Horoscope for September

 That ended in the summer. September is traditionally brings new discoveries and new experiences. So learn from the stars, what awaits us in the first month of autumn.


In matters of personal life you listen to the voice of reason, and not the heart - probably because they do not want to repeat past mistakes and strive to keep the situation under control. But in fact, you rush from one extreme to the other and depriving themselves of the opportunity to live, getting pleasure from it. It is not necessary constantly to build ingenious plans - just relax, and September will show how wonderful life can be!


Secret sighs good novels, but everything in life is a little different. It is time to honestly admit their feelings openly and ask all the important questions. It is unlikely that you will be rejected; besides, in this particular situation, all the cards in your hand, and decide where to go, will you. In a romantic relationship a chance falls rarely: why waste time in idle fantasy, when you can experience all of the reality?


Do feelings become more acute when you fall in love again? It seems, yes. In addition to mutual attraction and passion, there is an additional plus: you already know each other, so you can omit the preliminary stage of courtship. Thrills and adds the idea that just did not do it should be. Sounds great, but beware: if something goes wrong, one of you will win and the other loses, and the role of underdog can get to you.


Most of this year due to circumstances for which it was impossible to influence, you had to sit and wait. Finally fate turns to face you, and you can do so, as long dreamed of. But soon you will see that everything is much more serious than you imagined. We are not talking about a few months, but the fact that time to grab and the coming decade. Take some time you have.


Idea ahead of its time, rarely will succeed - because it does not fit into the framework of the usual expectations, and who knows what benefits promised. In a similar situation has been a while are you are - you have a great opportunity, but for some reason you can not realize how to wrap happening to their advantage. And suddenly, in early September, all of a sudden change, as if by magic. The goal is clear, and you will clearly see the path leading to it. Now you are ready!


The illusion that you amused yourself so far this month, burst like a soap puzyrEsli talking about something from your past, how sad it is time to finally leave with memories and move on. But when it comes to planning for the future, the collapse of sweet dreams can come much more painful. In any case, try to give yourself time to get used to the new reality.


To find a balance between personal life and career has never been easy. This month you present unexpectedly rich opportunities for professional growth, and you know that you can not miss this chance, because this will not be another. But fully concentrate on the job - so strongly reject all private, so that the price of success may be too high ...


Do you want to get it, but only on their terms. Over time, however, it becomes clear that if your novel and is destined to become a reality, the conditions will dictate not you. Gradually, you convince yourself that they themselves want. Everything has to happen in the middle of September, and you are in a joyful anticipation. One question remains: how soon will be felt violent side of your character?


When the unexpected happens, your first impulse - to do everything possible to return to the previous state of affairs. But this time, you suddenly realize that you are not averse to explore opening up new, unexplored path. Rather than engage in patching up holes or rebuild the familiar world again, you feel the need to break through to the end, and finally clear the space for something new.


Due to the rare position of the planets you have provided two similar features. Wherein an interval of a few weeks. Even if you pass first, you should not lose heart, but it would be best to use both a chance. Then you can correct the situation, if necessary, in accordance with the original plans. After all, to get the ship slightly change course much easier when you are on board!


There are moments - especially if somewhere in a hurry, when it seems that all the traffic lights on the road as if purposely switched to red. And even if you manage to slip through one intersection, then certainly in the next necessarily have to languish in anticipation. So in this month: any progress decorated with countless "but." If you have time, it is better to postpone the long-term plans and wait for the "rush hour" will be held. Well, if there is no choice, go ahead and try to stay calm.


In September, you are out on the last chance to turn a relationship into something more. Of course, should have done it much earlier, and you think that the right moment is already lost, but in reality nothing has been lost. Ask yourself why you have been slow to try to understand what you are afraid. It's time to make a decision, and the stakes are high: all or nothing.

Tags: horoscope, Capricorn, September, loser