End of the World?

End of the World?
 According to the calculations of the Maya, December 21, 2012 as a result of hanging over the planet natural disasters must come to an end. Concerns on this matter and expressed a variety of predictors, and astrologers. However, the opinions of scientists about the apocalypse divided.

There are several scenarios in which presumably will be end of the world. Some sources portend fall to Earth of a giant asteroid that will lead to the death of all living things. According to scientists, such a tragedy has already happened more than once with the planet, and it is because of this at the time dinosaurs became extinct. However, experts who study space, say that the probability of such a development is negligible. Thanks to modern achievements of astronautics, you can not only track the approach of an asteroid, but to destroy it, without waiting for a collision with the Earth.

Another popular theory is that the world would end as a result of a unique astronomical phenomenon - the parade of planets. It was December 21, 2012 The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter lined up that will lead to the imposition of their magnetic and gravitational fields. Predict the possible consequences is almost impossible, but many scientists believe that this astronomical phenomenon will shift from orbits of individual cosmic bodies and entire star systems. This, according to the assumptions and will result in chaos and the end of the world. However, experts NASA urged not to panic. Big parade of planets occurs every 20 years, and if in previous times was not anything out of the ordinary, the probability that it will happen in December 2012, is not too large.

Doomsday scenario is, and seismologists. According to them, the end of 2012 can be activated giant volcanoes in the territory of the United States, New Zealand, Japan and Indonesia. Each of them is able to throw into the atmosphere more than 400 million tons of sulfuric acid. Dust and dirt, formed by the eruption, will prevent the penetration of sunlight on the planet, leading to an offensive nuclear winter and the death of all living things. However, opponents of this theory assert that the prerequisites for such a development yet.

End of the world may come as a result of environmental disaster. The fact that the world's population consumes a huge amount of resources. This leads to the depletion of the Earth's interior and air pollution. Over the past few years have seen a three percent reduction in the number of living beings, and if you do not take control of the situation, the problem will only grow worse. In any case, if the end of the world and is destined to happen in this scenario, it will happen no earlier than in 2050. Currently, a variety of programs to protect the environment, but because it is likely that by the deadline will be able to fix it.

Whatever may have been frightening predictions, do not panic and prepare for the worst. During the entire existence of mankind doomsday promised more than a dozen times. Chances are that the coming apocalypse - it is nothing like another hoax.

Tags: Apocalypse