Druid Horoscope for 2010

 Horoscope of Druids came to us from the distant past to the territory of northern Europe. Living on these lands Celtic tribes had separate closed caste of priests. These people were called Druids, they carried a higher knowledge and wisdom involved doctoring, maintained the sacred fire passed legends and oral folklore.  

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Attached great importance to the Druids natural environment. Most of them lived in the forests and revered trees, among which they had to live. Therefore, people identify the Druids with trees that have different characteristics, as well as a specific set of advantages and disadvantages. Total druids have identified 22 species of characters belonging to different time intervals.

One of the most important objects of observation Celtic priests were heavenly bodies, most of which is the sun. Position of the sun relative to the earth, according to the Druids, played a huge role in human life. Distance of the Sun from the Earth in a child's birthday, made it possible to calculate and determine its fate. Thus, appearedHoroscope of DruidsWhich is also called Celtic.

Since recording his teaching Druids considered impermissible, they did not have tables and other astrological calculations. All knowledge was transmitted to young students orally. However, there are historical records note confirming thatHoroscope of Druids existed. Say more, horoscope druids was quite popular. Despite the fact that the Druids transfer knowledge verbal way to have survived valuable information that allows you to createDruid horoscope for 2010.

Apple (December 23 - January 1, June 25 - July 4)
Intelligent, prone to thinking "apple tree" in 2010 seem difficult. The most unfavorable period will be in the summer months. Therefore, the "apple tree" should be patient and just wait dysfunctional period.

Fir (2 - January 11, 5 - July 14)
Druid Horoscope for 2010 is favorable for those "Pikhty" that can add to his orderly, rational life is more relaxing and improvisation. Suddenly decisions, spontaneity in the actions will ensure success in their personal lives.

Elm (12 - 24 January, 15 - July 25)
The first quarter of the year for the dreamy "Elm" can turn into quite a difficult period. However, if you would not put your hands by the end of spring, all our plans will be realized. Year promises to be unstable, full of great success, for which may be followed by minor troubles.

Cypress (25 January - 3 February, July 26 - August 4)
Intelligent, possessing analytical mind "Cypress" will have to seriously compete for their success. The catch can be expected on the family front. If you start to feel that you are in a desperate situation, do not despair, try to act more decisively, with pressure.

Poplar (4 - 8 February 5 - August 13)
"Topol" can rightly be called a quiet slough, which boil huge passion. Allow yourself this year to show more emotions and feelings, you will notice and appreciate.

Cartas south or Cedar (9 - February 18, 14 - August 23)
Druid Horoscope for 2010 complicated for impulsive optimists "Cedars" is particularly successful. But do not relax in the middle of the year will issue a short period of time when you need to concentrate all their efforts. At this time, is to abandon long-distance travel and risky financial operations.

Pine (19 - 28/29 February, August 24 - September 2)
2010 is for most signs instability, but not for "Pine". Throughout the period of "Pine" will slowly but surely move to the target. If at any point you feel that others are more successful, the end of the year will sum up the decisive, in which you find yourself in a huge plus.

Willow (1 - March 10, 3 - September 12)
Mysterious "Iwama" with their imaginative new year will only help. The main objective of "Eve" to determine for themselves the goal in the first half of the period and try to implement it in the second half. Complex period of time may fall in the autumn, it is better to spend, surrounded himself with family warmth and care.

Lipa (11 - 20 March, 13 - September 22)
"Linden" can, as always tune into the implementation of unrealistic goals. However, this time should give yourself a break and some underestimate the usual requirements. Then at the end of the year at the "Leap" will be strong enough to implement his plan work.

Hazel (22 - 31 March, 24 September - 3 October)
Horoscope of Druids defines "Hazel," as people with developed intuition and imagination. Focus on target, and get success in all your plans.

Rowan (1 - April 10, 4 - 13 October)
Resistant, has excellent taste "Rowan" is waiting for a great happiness. Spring and autumn periods may be the most positive and memorable. If during the year the "Sorbs" there are small troubles, deal with them need to confidently and firmly.

Maple (11 - April 20, 14 - October 23)
Neat, a few cynical "Maples" will have the opportunity to take seriously the difficulties of life. Year promises to be easily and smoothly, nevertheless provide a few situations in which the "Maple" with all the advantages would be the loser.

Walnut (21 - April 30, October 24 - November 2)
"Nut" is not afraid of difficulties, decisive and assertive he is ready to act in any situation. Easy victories and dizzying successes that predicts Druid horoscope for 2010, Simply turn a head to anyone. Therefore, the "nuts" should be more careful, because carried away, you can lose good relationships with loved ones.

Jasmine (1 - May 14, 3 - November 11)
The main features of the "Jasmine": intelligence, criticism, imagination, high intellect. These qualities are largely contribute to success in the coming year. Do not spare the effort and you can get great benefit from the design of the case than expected in the beginning.

Chestnut (15 - 24 May, 12 - November 21)
Brave insightful "Chestnuts" should prepare for various doubts that will be overcome in the beginning of the year. Work and matters of the heart tightly intertwined this year. The decision of the majority of questions put to the heart, it will not fail.

Ash (May 23 - June 3, November 22 - December 1)
Year period may adversely affect the physical well-being "Ash". Not posted, in front of you waiting for new emotions and positive changes in the workplace.

Hornbeam (4 - June 13, 2 - December 11)
Do not let negative emotions affect interpersonal relationships. January and February may disappoint "steal" some stagnation. But in the spring to begin the long-awaited change for the better.

Figs (14 - 23 June, 12 - December 21)
The summer months are the most successful for "fig", but not in this case. Druid Horoscope for 2010 sets "Fig" in the coming difficulties that did not prevent members of the mark achieved great success throughout the rest periods.

Oak (April 21)
2010 promises favorable amorous relationship. To year was successful and fruitful, "Oaks" should spend more time on others. Although in general the success of "Oak" will depend first of all on himself.

Birch (June 24)
People born on the summer solstice, will be accompanied by fortune. 2010 does not herald any problems. Perfectly will develop all started works to the sheer luck will love.

Olive (September 23)
"Olive" can get into trouble in business, but with the personal life everything goes in the best way. "Olives" not had time to find your other half, this year met their elected representatives.

Beech (21 - December 22)
Druid Horoscope for 2010 promises a lot of positive moments. Be fully their natural dignity of any, even the most difficult situation easily resolved to your advantage. Pay attention to friends and family, they prompt you how best to achieve this goal.

 Tatiana Nikolaeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: horoscope, druid