Christmas divination

Christmas divination
 On the eve of the new year I want to know what awaits us in the coming year, there will come true dreams. New Year's Eve to many questions can find out the answer, with the help of divination. Since ancient times it was believed that at this time of mystical forces are most active, so everyone was waiting for midnight to tell fortunes, to know the future.
 The most famous divination - Divination is a chiming clock. You need to write your wish on a piece of paper, with the first strike set fire to her chimes, and the ashes poured into a glass of champagne. To drink champagne with ashes need to catch up to the twelfth stroke. Then your wish will come true.

Through a water mirror.
You need to bring a mirror in front of him to put a bowl of water. On three sides put lighted candles. Look through the water in the mirror, it is believed that it will see the future.

Guessing on the ice.
This way you can tell fortunes with the guests gathered at your home. Before you sit down and let everyone who wants to spoon. In the spoon need to pour water and make the cold. When water freezes, it is possible to know the future. Who water froze with a recess, then that, unfortunately, in the new year will be a failure. And who exactly or with tubercle - happiness.

Guessing on the fulfillment of a wish.
Before going to bed, fill a glass of water, put noticing level. Looking into the water, make a wish and go to sleep. In the morning, see how much is left of the liquid. If it was less, your wish will not come true, and if the water was added, then the wish will come true soon.

New Year's Eve with a needle can determine the sex of the unborn child. To do this, take about twenty centimeters of thread and a needle vdet it. Keep the thread need to shed over the palm of the pregnant woman. If the needle will make a circular motion, then, will be a girl; if the needle starts to reel in hand, is likely to be a boy.

Girl in New Year's Eve dream bride, if she put a pillow under the bread and scissors.

There is still a guessing on the thread, but one can only guess the girls. Take 3 thread - black, red and white. Each thread insert the needle, and ask someone to pin it to your back. Then pull the thread. If you pull the black thread, get a career, because your marriage will not be happy. If caught white thread, you married this year will not work, and if red, then, this year, get married and give birth to a child.

Christmas divination - good entertainment for you and your friends. Divination inspire hope in a better future that awaits us in the new year.

Tags: year, night, divination, ash