Astral Out: the phenomenon and methods of astral exit

Astral Out: the phenomenon and methods of astral exit
 Astral output - a phenomenon that when the inner essence leaves his physical body. For some people, it can occur spontaneously, often during sleep. A survivor of severe emotional distress, it may be in the astral plane.

In humans, there are so-called astral projection, that is, the physical body and his soul. It can leave the earthly shell and top watch her.

Usually Output in the Astral consciously engaged. Such people, having overcome the initial fear, get a lot of new features. During the first output can be very frightened. Novice traveler risks to meet with terrible entities. At a meeting with them the most important thing - to show fortitude. To scare them enough to be a formidable sight. These creatures - elementary, elemental spirits. Great harm they inflict, but frightened novice can become a victim of spirit possession. So you should think twice before experimenting.

Weak, inexperienced man, who turned out in the astral plane, risking their health. This danger is real enough, because the physical body may fall into a coma. Such cases are very few. The fact that the soul is connected with the strong thread of his physical shell.

So, before the release of the astral should follow some of the recommendations. Coffee, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and even desirable not to use a few hours before the experiment. Contraindicated astral outputs cores and people with diseases of the nervous system. Give this day of heavy fried foods, eliminate meat. Before the release of the astral walk in the fresh air, distracting.

To learn how to easily leave your body, you need to practice a few times. A week before the direct output to think constantly of his astral body. This is done in order to permanently fixed idea in the subconscious. Venues for the experiment should be dark and warm. Also need to be alone. Fully focus on your breathing, and then on the fingertips of the left leg. In this case, imagine how they gradually separated from the astral body. Then carry out the same with the right foot. After all of your willpower in the forehead. Applying this practice, you can feel like an astral body separates and flies up. For a while it can soar above the physical.

Tags: output method, the body, the projection phenomenon